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That's 💯 me lol other than the mood swings, what kind of friend are they?
Trust me they don't want to be that way, but I understand why it's frustrating for people. I typically don't get close to anyone to spare them from my drama.
Trust me they don't want to be that way, but I understand why it's frustrating for people. I typically don't get close to anyone to spare them from my drama.
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
The friend I have like that I take them as they come. Nothing you can do unless they want to seek help for it.
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
Sounds like they may have a Bi-polar disorder maybe.
Nanori · F
I'm that friend
Just be yourself 🤷♀
Just be yourself 🤷♀
Nevertooold · 56-60, M
Just be the best self you can be!!!