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I Cry A lot

My boyfriend has done a lot of unkind things to me. I have tried to forgot them and move on but they still really hurt me. The newest thing was. He told me after a fight I needed to lose weight because I will get fat. I am borderline over weight. Since then I lost 9 lbs. I feel like over the course of us dating he has destroyed my self confidence. He wants to move in together and start a life. I am losing attraction to him. I also realize i am depend on him. I am afraid no one else will like me and i'm afraid to leave. I'm working on losing the extra weight and spending more time on my appearance. I started self harming again and i'm very struggle with thoughts of hurting myself at times. I just feel heart broken and lost. idk.
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
I have been there. And this is not healthy.
I used to write things desperately hoping someone had the solutions to resolve the problems I was facing.
But in actual fact the community of similar worlds /ep helped me to realise that no matter what I didn't deserve to be treated this way.

So I'm here to tell you the same.

How you feel right now doesn't need to be your everyday.
Your weight is not for him or anyone to judge.
Your self esteem doesn't need too be beaten down, it should be nurtured to help you flourish.
Starting a life under so much pressure and stress will only get worse.
He is not your problem to fix either.
As an adult we have to take responsibility for our own conduct.

In this instance he doesn't even deserve an explanation.

Pack up your things and go home to your parents, family and friends.
That's the love and comfort you deserve right now.

Good luck to you.

There's no way to try and justify his behaviour, and no excuse will do!

deadteddy · 26-30, F
he has destroyed my self confidence.
This is the kind of man you have to run away from, the fastest as possible. No one who loves will put you down and make you feel unattractive.
Fairydust · F
Leave him, you need a partner that loves you for who you are and doesn’t put you down or try to change you.

You need ti heal and work on your self worth, don’t settle. 🌷✨
LadyBronte · 56-60, F
You deserve better.
deadgerbil · 22-25
Being single is better than dealing with someone's bs like that
Run, before you sentence yourself to a life of misery.
Lostpoet · M
If he cared about you he'd buy you some sneakers and a juicer instead of complaining about your weight. He sounds abusive don't let anyone drag you down
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
We choose relationships.

We choose the people in our lives.

If they are not positive and supportive of us, they do not seem to be people we would choose.

It is good to forget about people's acts after they are out of our lives. We can move on from them and their acts then, not before.

Self-love is needed before other love.
Miram · 31-35, F
I read your earlier posts. In a couple of months, you have gone from praising him under false gratitude to realizing how he harms you.

Don't take steps back from this progress. No amount of sweet talking should make you forget that you need to break free.
TwistedApe · 51-55, M
You need to work on yourself. This has all the red flags of a toxic relationship. (Blieve me I have been in many). You would never be happy with him. This psycologist Dr. Ramnai has her own great you tube channel.

You're just going to end up trading one eating disorder for another one if something doesn't change. You already know first hand that eating disorders aren't fun for anyone to struggle with.
laurieluvsit · 26-30, F
You need to get some counseling right away. Do that first thing tomorrow.

Don't think about doing it ...DO IT instead. Promise.
Houdini · 56-60, M
Don’t bother with him move on before you can’t he sounds like a wrong on.
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
People never change, the best thing for you is to find someone who likes you for being you, we all have our own weaknesses, strengths and inperfections.
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