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Boyfriend gets upset when I compliment celebrities

I saw an interesting question on another forum, I have copied and pasted it below. What do you guys and gals think? It's an interesting one. Do you think he's insecure?

"I have crushes on some celebrities and one of them is Ryan Gosling. For some reason when I compliment him (for example I would say his sexy or hot as he is handsome and does have big muscles), my boyfriend has a little sulk about it.

I don't get it as I will never even meet the guy and I do love my boyfriend. He won't even watch fall guy with me (the film Ryan Gosling is in). But I feel like I can't talk about some things I like as my boyfriend doesn't like hearing about Ryan and it really annoys me when he does go into a little sulk about it.

Do you think my boyfriend is insecure or am I missing something?"
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MarkPaul · 26-30, M
You are missing something... and a lot of it if you can't see how offensive and insensitive your comments are. You are literally sitting with your bf and all you can talk about is how "sexy" some other guy is. It's as though you WANT to hurt his feelings. A relationship shouldn't be about some power play to see how much you can emotionally manipulate the other person. And, to literally pour salt into the wound, you now want to say it's his fault for being insecure. Why are you doing this? (Not you, literally, but whoever originally posted it).
BringTheLove · 22-25
@MarkPaul true. That’s an interesting thought
MoveAlong · 70-79, M
When we were younger my wife had a crush on Johnny Depp. I couldn't say anything though. I did too. (man crush)
Fertilization · 36-40, F
And the interesting part is Ryan Gosling has got no idea about this conflict. 😂
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Of course he's insecure lmao
Penny · 46-50, F
i dont think hes insecure. he just is bothered by it. id tone it down. how would you like it if he was drooling all over some actress while you were trying to watch a movie? celebrity crushes are pretty immature imo now that im older because you dont know what they are like in real life and you migth not actually like them. people look different irl too a lot or you migth not like their vibe. i mean, to say it casually once in a while in conversation like oh i think hes cute referring to a celebrity you admire is one thing but gushing during the movie is yuck. especially if the actor looks nothing like your boyfriend or is younger or older or hotter.

i mean, it really depends on the situation probably and the delivery. it obviously bothers him. hes probably thinking well then they can have you.
Ynotisay · M
No. You got it. He's insecure. And I'm sure jealousy in some capacity is part of the relationship. He's got some growing up to do. But don't forget that some never do. Who they are now is who they'll be down the road.
Enonnianoj · F
Hmm it honestly depends on the level of how detailed you are or how many times you or whomever says it. Im not gonna lie, i do say when a celebrity is hot. But ... my hubby jokes too. We never get moody or jealous. Its because , celebrities ! We will never be with them or meet them and we dont really want them.

I had a best friend tho in my past and she said her husband talked sooooo much about jaylo that she hated her. It just depends on the person. I do think he sounds insecure . But if he is then no one should tease him about it.
Adrift · 61-69, F
caccoon · 36-40
Personally, I'd be respectful that he doesn't like it, and if you need to outwardly express your adoration for a celebrity,maybe do it with friends?

I don't actually even know why people express these things around their partner. But I am an insecure one
smiler2012 · 61-69
@BringTheLove sorry too sound harsh and brutal but i will be honest your boyfriend needs too grow up.this is like a girl teenage age crush and the end of the day that all it will ever be nothing will ever come of it he is really being unrealistic
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
He’s very insecure!!
BringTheLove · 22-25
@Quimliqer Why so?
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
@BringTheLove There’s simply no reason for him to get into a pout, you’re with him!!
BringTheLove · 22-25
@Quimliqer Yeah, true
emiliya · 22-25, F
How would she feel?
BringTheLove · 22-25
@emiliya If he had a crush on a celebrity. I read the comments and she said, he doesnt have a crush on any celebrities as his not interest in them
Bumbles · 51-55, M
It’s kind of a healthy thing with couples to say if you have a crush on a celebrity. Seeing your partner as a non-sexual being kills the spark. Your bf is wildly insecure. Get him to tell you who he likes.

Also, he’s the one who will benefit if you watch a Ryan Gosling movie later that evening!
Bleak · 36-40, F
If your bf is insecure then stop doing it.
Nevertooold · 56-60, M
Can we say INSECURE and Low self esteem!!!Good luck
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
My hubby gets jealous when I talk about my close female friends let alone a man in my life in any form 😄
I think I might be resentful if my woman went for Ryan Gosling as well. Now Ryan Reynolds or Christopher Plummer... that's different. but Gosling? 👎
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BringTheLove · 22-25
@StevetheSleeve Never see it, but I'll take your word for it🤣
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
It's definitely insecurity.
Celebrity crushes are harmless.
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
😂😂😂 you’re joking I hope?
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