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Jealousy is the killer of any relationship

Anyone else notice how you change as you get older when it comes to likes and dislikes ?
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FLAme42 · 41-45, F
My husbands jealousy is one of the main reasons we are divorcing
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@FLAme42 why is he jealous of you?
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
A lot of people dislike me .
Will I tell you why
I'm not the same .
Keep that in mind as you get older .
That's what will hit you .
It hits people in different times .
I tell you another if your in a relationship.
Don't sacrifice your relationship for anyone.
If you sacrifice your relationship and people tell U this that you should do this and that with your boyfriend. Do what suits you and my other advise keep your relationship a small world and make sure both meet on halfway.
Your relationship will be a lot easier and save you a lot of pain .
Then if the relationship ends , don't leave on bitterness, save you a lot of pain
You regret it later .
That's my view on relationships.
I be made a mockery of cause I'm not the same never was . I was bullied most of my life over it and I still won't change .
Will I tell you why I like my peace when I have it .
You can have a way of thinking about relationships like a volcano ready to explode .
Or like black clouds that will pass
Yes, because they draw upon our insecurities and weaknesses. I think I was wrong at one point in a relationship, I should have played along with how my ex wanted me to feel jealous with her female coworker, for I missed how drawn she was to the woman. (I didn't)... But if I played along instead of being uncomfortable, a lot of understanding could have been had.

It really is a normal emotion after all. What matters is how you respond to those emotions.
anoderod55 · 61-69, M
I have noticed . some good some not so good ❤️🦋🌹 Sad i was so jealous early in life 😩
exexec · 70-79, C
When we dated in college, my wife was free to date others when I was not available. I was terribly jealous of all the guys who saw her every day and dated her on weekends, but I tried to never show my jealous feelings. She did her part in making sure that I knew that she loved me. Once we were married, the jealousy ended, and it never bothered me again when she flirted with others.
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sunlover100 · 100+, F
@FableDNK makes for great after fight sex but thats it
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sunlover100 · 100+, F
@FableDNK has to be a fight i love fist fight with a partner
Magenta · F
As we age, we care less about many things. At least that is I.
Houdini · 56-60, M
Something I have never been is jealous. It’s something that can destroy peoples lives.
Enonnianoj · F
Yes. But i do get jealous.
Jealousy is not love
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
Yes jealousy turn into losing faith quite quickly and then the trouble begins.
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