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Why is it easier for some to make friends vs others?

I've never personally been able to make friends easily. Im too opinionated.
zonavar6851-55, M
Most people are far more trusting of others than me. I've learnt that I can't trust anyone else based on my childhood and failed adult relationships. I'm of the view that no women will ever view a man as an equal in a relationship, and I don't see any need to have friends like women do.
scorpiolovedeep46-50, M
I can sympathise with you.

Being soft spoken , introvert and having different thoughts to most people meant that I was different.

It has been a struggle to find quality , good friends online and offline.
@scorpiolovedeep yes.. this!
I鈥檝e always struggled with making friends.

I鈥檓 hyper independent now lol now I don鈥檛 want people around cause they鈥檒l probably disappoint me.

As a kid I always wondered why I was always alone tho. Now I prefer it
@Pressure same, whenever i spend too much time with someone i start pushing them away. But that lonely feeling kinda sucks.
I think if you were raised in a good environment then you are more open to people. But if you were raised in a bad environment then it's hard to trust people.
@Lostpoet yeah. That makes sense. I also do find myself not asking questions that kthers typically do. Not sure why, but it makes me come off as not curious and/or disinterested when in reality thats not the case.
May I add a bit of age old wisdom. To have good friends, one, must be one! 馃槈
@Oster1 what makes a good friend? 馃
@SW-User Everything, that you would enjoy, from another! 馃檪
Flenflyys31-35, F
Some people are too neurotic and self centred
I'm the worst at making friends
@SW-User sounds like we'll do great at not being friends 馃檪
FloorGenAdm51-55, M
Over-paid Schmoozers with insider information. Can't live with em can't live without em.
Lilliesandlight41-45, F
I'm not a great conversationalist.... But I crave good conversation...go figure 馃し
The easiest way, is to be oneself! 馃檪
retiredbum51-55, M
Im more introverted
i make friends very easy on internet but i also can lose them quick as they dont like being BLOCKED馃お
@Lilnonames sounds like your definition of friends is looser than mine.

real friendship is tough.
@SW-User but in life i got friends ive known since we was 5 and on internet for over ten years

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