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Do age gap relations work?

In a relation with a man 11 year older than me. Why everyone keeps warning me about having such an age gap. We haven't faced any issue in last 4 years among us.

Do most age gap relationships don't work?
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DragonFruit · 61-69, M
I'm not a statistician....but I do know that some work (like my older sister's marriage to a man who was 23 years older than she) and some don't.
This can be said of any kind of relationship, though.
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
Any relationship will work if 2 people are right for each other
being · 36-40, F
My biggest age gap was 18 years. We stayed together for 5 years. In the end, we were in such different phases of life that it was hard to relate apart from the common daily things
carnallcpl · 26-30, C
@being would like to chat with you. Can we?
being · 36-40, F
@carnallcpl I'm sorry I'm not into talking about it right now since I'm not in the best moment and that's an old story... maybe another time okay ?
carnallcpl · 26-30, C
@being ok. Just sent you dm
Jeephikelove · 51-55, F
In some cases they are way better, you tell those people to stfu and mind their own business. Your relationship is for the two of you only. If you’re being treated right and you’re happy that’s all that counts.
Cyclist · 46-50, M
The problem is not now. The problem is when he is a weak old man at the sunset of his life and you are still going. Women live longer than men anyways, and the gap adds to that. That’s what my mother told me 20 years ago when my sister got into an age gap relation and I asked what the big deal was. She was right. Now he is in a nursing home, and she is still kicking. Not only is she alone, she has to provide for a man who no longer recognizes her.
WhateverWorks · 36-40
@Cyclist I hadn’t thought about this, but it is unfortunately a very good point
xbandoleerx · 56-60, M
@Cyclist If it was good while it lasted, I think she is a winner.
Emilie92 · 31-35, F
I think they do and can, most of my relationships I have had were age gap relationships they never ended due to the age difference though.
reubles · 41-45, M
My parents have a 15 year age gap, they've been together for 45 years
courtney0380 · 36-40, F
My husband and I have a 19 year age gap and it has worked fine for the past twelve years
cerii · 22-25, F
Some work, some don't. Just like all relationships. There's a 16 year difference between me and my partner and it works. I could just as easily be with someone my age and it not be working 🤷‍♀️
it depends on the age of the people involved. if you're 30 and with someone who's 41, that's less difficult than being 25 and with someone who's 36 (although you've advertised that you've already passed the more difficult stage, and in theory, things should be getting easier).
the reason people are concerned is it's difficult match interests, concerns, even relatable experiences when the gap is large and the age is low, but everyone tends towards a general commonality.
e.g. at 20 it's pretty common to find people very much into extreme sports and binge drinking. as well as knitting and homemade bread. at 35, you'll find far fewer people participating in the first two and far more in the second.
Cyclist · 46-50, M
@dirge it’s the other way around. Going into old age is the problem. Assuming you are in it for the long run.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
It can, and still to this day, will work.

Any relationship is a working partnership!

Have a half brother who to my knowledge is still married and with two grown up kids in their early thirties now. The gap difference is 17 years! She's one year younger than me and he's 16 years older than me.

Mom first married her first husband at 16 and he was 30. Unfortunately he passed away at 46. They had six kids together.
cd4259 · 61-69, M
My wife is 23 years younger than me and we are very happy 😁
given a choice most men would prefer a thigh gap relationship
Strongtea · 22-25, M
Thigh gaps are nice that’s true!!@saragoodtimes
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meggie · F
My partner is 14 years older and we are happy
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
I don't make generalisations like that. Relationships are complex and unique. The only two people who can really know what's working or not are the two in the relationship, in my opinion.
The ones I’ve seen works because both parties have a need for each other at their respective ages.

They gain pleasure and security from it.
courtney0380 · 36-40, F
I’ve always preferred older men, I think older men are more responsible and more mature. In my case and my marriage it works very well because I’m more attracted to older men
JustJan · F
it seems to work well for a lot of Rich men, Also it works for Bridget Macron x
Ask the people replying to this post who say they are "happily married" with a large age gap...ask them WHY they are flirting here on social media instead of being "happy" with their partner?
@Bklynbadboy12 I can't answer until you learn to structure a sentence and use proper punctuation.
Bklynbadboy12 · 31-35, M
@LoneVoice You can't answer cause you know it would be a lie!
@Bklynbadboy12 No. I can't answer a bunch of random words jumbled together that have no meaning.
Sounds like I struck a nerve though. 🤭
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Jealous people are against it. Those in them p6aise them.
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11 years is quite a lot. At one point you might notice immaturity. Eventually you’ll start to notice aging on the partner when you won’t be quite at that stage yourself yet. But it’s not enough really for one to be young and the other old. You will be both young, middle age and old at the same time at some point in your lives.
Greyjedi · M
I know two people who are 13 years apart and have been happily married for at least 30 years. What i observe is being happy together and alone and having trust and respect with each other.
likesnatural · 70-79, M
My father-in-law married one of his college students. That marriage lasted longer than with my wife's mother. All is possible.
GBPackersFan · 41-45, M
When I was 40 I dated a gal who was 25 it worked out for awhile but even though I still liked to go out for beers 🍻 she was still wanting to live the party life all the time lol
That seems fine. My parents were 10 years apart. Didn't pose a challenge.
Katie01 · F
I've only ever had one big age gap relationship and it was one of the best I've ever had. I was 15/16, he was 40/41. We will keep in touch
if you are happy with it....... dont worry about outsiders. aint none of their business anyway.
Morvoren · F
Not in my experience. It’s usual an ego trip for the guy and a curiosity thing for the girl.
WhateverWorks · 36-40
I think it probably depends on the age of the younger one more so than the older one. The older one has already been through a lot that the younger one hasn’t yet, but there’s a huge difference between the maturity of a 26 year old dating a 37-year-old compared to an18 year old dating someone who is almost 30. The older you get, the less the age, gap matters.
nameless1 · 36-40
Most relationships dont last period despite their ages
Hotelroom38 · 51-55, M
the 11 years difference works very well for us. :)
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@OldMan70 found most men prefer thigh gaps as they get older
Lostlostlost · 51-55, M
Mind did for 10 years
Cyclist · 46-50, M
@Lostlostlost unless it is because your partner died, and I am truly sorry if that is the case, then ultimately it didn’t work.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@Cyclist Half of all first marriages in the US end in divorce anyway.
How Many Marriages End in Divorce?

So, what about the famous statistic that half of all marriages end in divorce? That’s true, but only when it comes to first marriages, half of which are dissolved. Second and third marriages actually fail at a far higher rate.[2]

So a lot ultimately don't work even when there isn't a large age gap.
ArtieKat · M
They work as well as any other relationships. When I was 28 I had a brief relationship with a woman of 46; when I was 38 I had a brief relationship with a woman of 23.
Cyclist · 46-50, M
@ArtieKat if those relations were brief, then neither of them worked, by definition.
Rainandforest · 26-30, F
9 years gap and it was work for us
CuriousCouple25 · 51-55, C
We are 18 year's apart its Awesome!!!
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
Some do and some don’t just like non age gap relationships 🙂🐼🥢
black4white · 56-60, M
They work until they dont...most relationships that dont work has nothing to do with "age gap"

Your question is like asking do relationships in general work?
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black4white · 56-60, M
@TheEmperor And i specifically answered... they work until they dont..... just like EVERY other relationship the difference is when the age is close its blamed on other relationship with an age gap its blamed on that(age gap) when most likely that is NOT the issue. IF age gap relationships didnt work that would be known BEFORE the relationship started.

And to your question... yes if you use the exercise machines right they all burn a lot of calories.
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Deceased · M
They can work. Just like any relationship it takes work and commitment. Age gap relationships like any other have obstacles the same as any other. Not insurmountable, just ones you have to figure out how to work through.
Rainandforest · 26-30, F
It works for me
Fluffybull · F
If you're planning to stay together for ever you'll probably start noticing a difference when you're about 50 and he's in his 60s and could be thinking about retiring.
Sometimes it does , sometimes it doesn't.

It's really all about the age, but if it's too big of a gap you would have lesser and lesser things in common as time goes on.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
Because groomers exist. And they deliberately date people much younger to be able maintaining the power over them with a manipulation that the victim isn't even aware of.

The younger you are the more concerning it is. 26 is ok. At least you left high school and are legally adult.
butterflybaby75 · 46-50, F
I've never really had a relationship with a big (more than 5 year) age gap, but I know people who's only relationships have been with people more than 5 years older or younger. I have experienced significantly younger guys and girls though not sure I could go down the relationship rabbit hole that way.
Bklynbadboy12 · 31-35, M
Most dont work but that doesnt mean yours wont work. All that matters is if your happy or not and if your happy who cares what everybody else thinks. Understand?
Not sure there is data to draw any conclusion about the impact of an age gap (presuming adults), ceteris paribus.
supersnipe · 61-69, M
They might work, it depends on the people. But in our society there's a bit of a taboo around large age gaps of, say, twenty ot more years.
iamBen · 61-69, M
It depends on what you mean by the relationship working. I've been in a relationship with a wider gap than yours and it worked for us.
xbandoleerx · 56-60, M
There can’t be an absolute answer to this question as there are two thinking minds in this case. So lots of ifs n buts!
Danny9999 · 26-30, M
There is nothing wrong in age gap... but sometimes age gap start causing few problems in marriage.... there are many reasons also

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