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TheMountainMan · 26-30, M
In my experience, they are.

Mardrae · F
Exactly!! Besides sex, what could you possibly have in common to talk about? I’m 59 and am too old to date, but when I see guys my age going after 25 year old women, I can’t imagine what they would talk about once they finished sex. And what’s the girl gonna do when she’s 50 and still looks good and he’s 80… is she going to take care of all his health problems?
Luckylu · 61-69, F
@ArtieKat Thank you xx
@Mardrae i am 68 snd you are definitely not to old to date. At least i hope not because where does that leave me. And no i have no interest in a 20 yr old
Advanced maths: If Joe is 64 years old, and his girlfriend is 21, how much money does Joe have?

I think it's just ego. They survive on drama. And younger women are tighter and hotter and they'll put up with more shit.

I'm happily unspoken for and thankful to be drama free
Castenmas · M
@SW-User I think your comment about the older man’s ego is spot on. It’s a struggling grip on reality.
@Castenmas I'm losing my looks as I get older too, so I understand it's not easy to let go of your youth, but also it's incredibly satisfying and beautiful to accept aging. It's quite an honor and I would never go back to younger and inexperienced me.

But yeah when I see men my age acting too good for me, I just feel for them.
Applepiedom · 56-60, M
Ok I have an age gap relationship. It's great. 14 yrs difference. Maturity is what makes it work. Men her age were /are acting as children. Her maturity was well above theirs. So an older man was needed. I fit the role. Secure, grounded,direction picked and focused. Not out to control but share life with.(control is something else as you see My profile) but we work in tandem.
Now just chasing to chase,headache but to actually be above the waist relationship,it works for us
Wiseacre · F
Ok, question?
Jeremi · 41-45, M
I know right. where's the question?
Adogslife · 61-69, M
I prefer a mature woman that’s successful and has a greater understanding of reality than the average younger woman.

I could give two shits about the supposed tight bodies of youth. You can have it. The pain isn’t worth it.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
Depends on the individual but the younger generation both sexes are usually way more entitled these days so that could be a nuisance.
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
Yeah there's not a lot of good women out here
twistedandperverted77 · 46-50, M
Some are , positive is they bore easily 😆

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