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NeighFlowers · M
Well there's zero context as to what could of lead to a divorce in this, but a few common issues thst can kead to divorce in long term relationships are: Lack of intimacy, people changing throughout the decades or someone could have cheated. It could be as simple as the couple no longer being happy or content with each other. These factors, combined with the destigmatization of divorce means it's often easier to part ways and either become friends or just have nothing to do with one another.
NerdyPotato · M
For one, the stigma on divorce has been decreased so it's easier to part ways when things don't work out instead of pretending everything is peachy. And life has become a lot faster, people are changing at a higher rate and therefore may grow apart sooner.
Applepiedom · 56-60, M
When you quit working at it or realize that it's been just easier to stay together because you're together it's over.
Usually it's been over a long time just not"bad" just comfortable.
Usually it's been over a long time just not"bad" just comfortable.