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What Relationships Do You Struggle With Most In Life?

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Other Family member
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From what I have seen sisters have it the worst followed by daughters and mothers.

Guess the guys are more chill than the girls LOL

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TexChik · F
currently my daughter. She happened to be on her first period when she discovered that her new ( 2 months old) and expensive riding uniform for equestrian jumping competition was suddenly too small and she couldnt button her pants and could barely get them on. She ignored my warning about stuffing her face in the months prior and told me to go and buy her new ones. I told her that she would lose the weight (She gained 17 pounds since we bought the clothes) by diet and exercise, fit back into her clothes (she hasnt grown at vertically) or she wouldnt compete. Not to mention the extra weight was throwing her horse's jumps off and her recovery off. She of course pitched a fit and said she would just quit, so I picked up the phone and called the equestrian center and told them to put her horse, tack, and saddle up for sale and to terminate her enrollment. You would have thought she had been stabbed. The yelling and crying was ridiculous. She ran to tell her daddy what a horrible mother I was and he told her she needed to grow up. He told her to either lose the weight and stop her bad habits or find something to do with all the spare time she was about to have if she quit. She didnt want to quit after all it seems. She has been giving me the stink eye for several days after that but her attitude ended up coming out of her mouth and I pulled over and had a nose to nose conversation with her. After I tuned her up she spent the next two weeks grounded from any fun with her friends and her phone. Oh the drama that caused. Then she complained because I wasnt being nice to her, and I reminded her of her mouth and the hateful things she said and that there are consequences (my being angry at her) for acting out and behaving like a ungrateful brat. Its been about a month now and she is starting to mellow, but my husband and I took off for the farm last night and she noticed she was not invited . I think its starting to sink in that this entire mess was of her own doing. Her competition is in 2 weeks. Lets hope her pants fit.
TexChik · F
@MySpiritEvolves She has never acted out like this before, and since she just finished a brutal first cycle, I cut her a little slack.
MySpiritEvolves · 36-40
@TexChik Yeah honestly, I remember my time when I was young. The hormones....

It's not easy and everyone is the enemy. Takes some time to sink in that you have this burden the rest of your life too.
TexChik · F
@MySpiritEvolves Yep, she got no sympathy
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
My parents. They divorced in 1980 when I was 12. I lost faith/contact with both over the years that followed, and had zero contact with dad for 15 yrs until he died (in another country) about 10 yrs ago. Mum died at the end of 2020 and I'd had a very bad relationship with her too as neither she nor dad ever talked to me about their divorce. I've never been interested in friends since the divorce, and I'm no good at making relationships or understanding the inter-connections between friendships, relationships, sex, intimacy, etc. I hate marriage and will never ever go down that road.
MySpiritEvolves · 36-40
@zonavar68 Sometimes we only have enough fuel to focus on ourselves, I understand why you did that. I don't talk to my family much. We are about as connected as a group of feral cats lol
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@MySpiritEvolves I'm completely 'divorced' from all of mum's extended family (her sister and brother both passed away recently too) as those two families are die-hard fundy christian and I'm totally anti-religious. Go figure. Mum wasn't very religious and dad wasn't at all.
MySpiritEvolves · 36-40
@zonavar68 That's how my moms family is. I try to be a part of them though because surprisingly they were the most solid family members I had growing up. I miss them a lot I moved away 7 years ago.
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
Just my sister. She’s controlling and self absorbed and I have always just struggled to spend time with her without wanting to throw her over a bridge
MySpiritEvolves · 36-40
@Jenny1234 I can understand that. Me and my sister have always had something like that too lol
MasterLee · 56-60, M
No one currently
checkoutanytime · 41-45, M
S.O.,not even sure I want to try, again with one.
Carissimi · F
At this stage, the whole human race.
MySpiritEvolves · 36-40
@Carissimi You know? IDK what I was thinking, I should have included that 🤣
Ferric67 · M
Totally chill
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