Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Classic: Far from the Madding crowd - Thomas Hardy.
Beautifully written describing a classic class divide romance in a far simpler time.
Modern: My legendary girlfriend - Mike Gayle.
New Teacher discovers he hates kids; teaching; London etc. And hankers for 'the one that got away' to the point of laughable lunacy.
Factual: An evil cradling - Brian Keenan.
University lecturer from Ireland goes to Lebanon to teach only to get caught and captured by a militant group at the start of the civil war during the 90's.
Not for the feint of heart. Occasionally quite visceral. Exhausting to read but fantastically written.
Autobiography: Absolute pandemonium - Brian Blessed.
Beautifully written describing a classic class divide romance in a far simpler time.
Modern: My legendary girlfriend - Mike Gayle.
New Teacher discovers he hates kids; teaching; London etc. And hankers for 'the one that got away' to the point of laughable lunacy.
Factual: An evil cradling - Brian Keenan.
University lecturer from Ireland goes to Lebanon to teach only to get caught and captured by a militant group at the start of the civil war during the 90's.
Not for the feint of heart. Occasionally quite visceral. Exhausting to read but fantastically written.
Autobiography: Absolute pandemonium - Brian Blessed.
Pfuzylogic · M
The Castle by Kafka.
It gave me meaning when I was looking for some.
It gave me meaning when I was looking for some.
7 spiritual laws of success because it gives me hope
IndophileIndian · 31-35, M
Animal Farm, George Orwell. It gave me a unique perspective on the society as a whole.
@IndophileIndian George Orwell is a fantastic writer.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
The Good Earth Trilogy by Pearl S. Buck
It's an amazing and thought-provoking Chinese epic about a poor farmer who builds his own wealth up from rags to riches, and raises 3 sons and one daughter who all take very different paths in life according to how their childhood influenced them. It spans 4 generations and is the most beautifully written and authentic portrayal of 19th and 20th century China.
It's an amazing and thought-provoking Chinese epic about a poor farmer who builds his own wealth up from rags to riches, and raises 3 sons and one daughter who all take very different paths in life according to how their childhood influenced them. It spans 4 generations and is the most beautifully written and authentic portrayal of 19th and 20th century China.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
That is a hard question... I couldn't say.
TheNumber34 · 46-50, M
The Count of Monte Cristo.
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
One called
All Tomorrows: A Billion Year Chronicle of the Myriad Species and Mixed Fortunes of Man
by C.M. Kösemen. It's captured my imagination more than any other book I've read
All Tomorrows: A Billion Year Chronicle of the Myriad Species and Mixed Fortunes of Man
by C.M. Kösemen. It's captured my imagination more than any other book I've read
Montanaman · M
Webster's Dictionary, because I use it so often.
OldBrit · 61-69, M
I've a few.
Stuart A life backwards by Alexander Masters is up there.
Alcoholics Anonymous.
Stuart A life backwards by Alexander Masters is up there.
Alcoholics Anonymous.

The Life and Times of LBJ - reminds how complex a human can be
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
Probably the Importance of Being Earnest.
I also go to great lengths to avoid social responsibilities.
I also go to great lengths to avoid social responsibilities.
swirlie · F
My favorite book is entitled "The Art of the Deal" by Donald J. Trump.
The reason it's my favorite book is because it fits perfectly under the short leg of my coffee table which got broken during a house party I threw, making Donald's hard cover masterpiece the obvious answer to my problem.
The reason it's my favorite book is because it fits perfectly under the short leg of my coffee table which got broken during a house party I threw, making Donald's hard cover masterpiece the obvious answer to my problem.
tenente · 100+, M
here's a few i read this year that i liked
notting hill mystery by felix - mid-19th century detective novel, murder and many twists
gilded bones by luscombe - fantasy novel / revolution
breath becomes air - memoir of a neurosurgeon dying of cancer (get ready to cry)
notting hill mystery by felix - mid-19th century detective novel, murder and many twists
gilded bones by luscombe - fantasy novel / revolution
breath becomes air - memoir of a neurosurgeon dying of cancer (get ready to cry)
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