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I was reading the Palestine, Hamas and Shani Louk feed on Twitter (X)

And read a comment, trying to defend Hamas by saying, "Don't believe what you see!!"
I don't know a thing about Israel or Hamas, nor Palestine... But what the fuck?

My first thought about that comment was: It's not uncommon to be mislead or misinterpreted by whoever or whatever you follow. But believing in something that you hold dear to your heart after seeing the aftermath of the cruelty, maybe you should do a little background check or something.

Then I remembered, it's not my place to speak about this kind of things, as I don't hold any kind of authority or right to speak of this. These are not my people and I have never lived there, let alone born there. Besides, I don't entirely get politics and I don't intend on knowing more about it, even though I'll get the gist of it and understand its purpose.

Nobody has to go through something like that. It reminded me of my first time Googling about Israel or someplace around that area and read about them having terrorist attacks, years ago. Then, it hit me that this world isn't at all perfect, no matter the country.

Awful things going around and I just stopped caring, as it is not my business and never will be.

All of this that's going on with Israel, Palestine, Hamas (I believe they're some sort of "mafia" or whatever) and poor Shani Louk (who did not deserve what happened to her. She did nothing wrong for fucks sakes. Just attending a concert. Jeez), makes me feel safer in the US. Hell, it's a whole chance to be safe in the US, with all these disappearances and hate crimes. Freak accidents as well.
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I always thought wars were a thing of the past and that we, as the human race, have moved past it and that we8re above it now. But that's not so at all. It's a reality check.
Montanaman · M
@Xalvadora Sense of duty. Honor. Protection. And...
Just like to blow shit up.🤔
Xalvadora · 18-21, F
@Montanaman Yet they're scared shitless. It's not duty if it's a death sentence.
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Montanaman · M
The world of terror will once again, reign down upon US. It's inevitable, especially while everyone who's in power has their attention focused on other's doings.
Praying for the innocent. 😔🙏🤗😇

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