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rotten irrelevant out limit title: a day well spent? well it's late to say but happy lazy day lazies and if you've some time thn thank you in advance

my mind
like a hidy hole
stupid imaginations
full of wishes n hopes
and pain,
can I fly away
far in the sky
,or can I be
like the waves
on sea bed,
when rain comes
can I dance
like a peacock ,
or rare lik
water in the desert
, or selfless lik one green tree
hope of hopeless ,
like a genie
fulfilling wishes of others,
but everything has a limit of its own
desires die,
but so shameless
jst can't accept.|||
all my memories
like a silvery moon
on full moon night,
little laughter of lazy girl,
sunshine in a morning of winter,
shadow in a summer holiday,
petty water for a thirst ,
sometimes you laugh
but mostly it just makes m cry,
it comes n leaves in a moment
never lasts long,
in a deadly silence
back of m eyes
infinite hopes
thn tht hopelessness,
I see tht gone past
feeling of betrayal
, so restless lik a mad bee
in the company of thoughts.\\
just tired of this constant fighting with own self, enemies , fate, time, rivals pretending as friends


very simple but you never listen my words so I think it's better to write, may be sometime in future if possible you'll read,

pity! really can't complete, I thought of a lot of things just days ago but now I can't remember any of it,
lots of worries, pressure on my mind, may be th reason I'm losing memories fast ,
no matter what It'll never b sufficient n can't recover

life is like an adventure,
at the age of five I would have never though to live past nine but now I see ,
I've not passed away still,
ten , fifteen n now in twenties,
can't say it's a blessing but surely with each day I'm getting little more courage to live little longer
Dont let yourself be played by a false cheating "lover" who just wants to tell others that you are just friends 😒
Pfuzylogic · M
I love your last line. ❤️
edmister · 31-35, M

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