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I Feel Helpless, Impotent

I went through most of my life feeling unredeemable. In some way, wholly other. Like the Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz, without a heart. And with that defect, without a moral compass, basic human goodness. There’s a back story to that. In part, an upbringing that was undermining. I have never really written that narrative. It almost doesn’t feel right. I have shared a few pieces here, and every time, I just feel weak. So many have suffered so much more.

But it is what it is. A sense of basic goodness, human decency, was something that was not only not gifted to me at home. It was something taken away. Eroded. Back to my earliest memories, I really didn’t have a fighting chance. I remember my mother being suicidal when I was a wee one, her telling me I was incapable of loving anyone, when I begged her to stop. Even as young as six or eight she would grab me and shake me. Telling me all men were pigs, that she’d kill me herself if I ever raped a women. I could up on.

The crown jewel being my mother “faking” my report card marks so that she could punish me, ground me. I remember visiting my mother a few months before she died. There was a bunch of old stuff for me, including old report cards. I went through them as we chatted. I couldn’t find the bad marks. And I couldn’t find the teacher complaints. My mother confessed. She had made it up— “to keep me from getting a big head”.

Other family too. The details don’t matter.

Miraculously, I ended up keeping my heart, and becoming a kind and decent man. Now in my fifties I am just coming to see that, largely though the grace of people I serve in volunteer work. I can help people. The language matters: I can. I am able. And I do help people. The wife of one of my hospice clients told me that I had not only showed her exceptional kindness, but I had renewed her sense of human goodness— the very thing I had long felt I was pathologically without!

It was my love who first challenged me to throw away my narrative of redemption. I had always told my story as one of the broken irredeemable man, who, by some magic, was made whole thanks to the love of the women in his life. Some truth there, sure. But the real story was of the cute loving kid who never lost his heart. Tell that story my love says….

I have run from that story because it really had an ocean of grief at the bottom of it. All the people I was unable to protect, help, save. Despite what gifts my heart and mind might have afforded me. Some were beyond my capacity to save. Like my late wife, who died after years of being on NIH clinical trials for a rare genetic disease. Who was utterly tortured every second of her life running up to her death. Anxiety, uncontrollable body motions, sleeplessness. Others not mine to save, like the woman my date and I just found, drugged on the floor. A victim of a recent sexual assault. Or my friend murdered in college by her domestic partner. Or the women a friend in college date raped. Or or or…

All the people in my circle I couldn’t save, couldn’t help. I grieve them all. I feel helpless. Impotent.
HikingMan · 51-55, M
The feelings of helplessness and hopelessness run hand in hand across many of our mental landscapes. Most of it "gifted" to us by others from our past.

It's nice to see these words, as stark and dire as they seem.
For if you had the heart to place them here, I'll take it to mean that you are battling through it all.
That you haven't given up or given in to such thoughts as you were gifted along the way.

Whoever told you that the story of the little boy that persevered and preserved his heart was the real story, was quite correct in their assumption.
I too believe that to be the real story at play here.

No matter what dark thoughts assail you in the darkness of the night...,
You are not what others claimed you to be, nor are you flawed in the ways that they predicted.
I don't even know you that well and I'm proud of who you are right now in this moment

Be well
Live happy
Die trying,

JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
It takes courage to love and be empathetic. It comes with heartache but also great beauty. We are here for you buddy.
Aww. Your story is so bittersweet and it really touched my heart. I've often wished my heart didn't feel things so deeply, but it also what makes me. It's also what makes YOU, and I don't even have to know you, as this post said it all. There's a saying that fits the bill here......"Having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage, not weakness." Katherine Henson....

Certain things are out of our capacity when it comes to helping others. So please forgive yourself from the guilt you feel for not being able to do such. May peace and healing soon find that good heart of yours ♥️

But it is what it is. A sense of basic goodness, human decency, was something that was not only not gifted to me at home.

Kudos to you for becoming the hero of your story vs the victim, considering your childhood circumstances. Too many use it as an excuse.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
You are a kind and decent soul, and I suspect your ledger shows many more positives than negatives. I have no doubt that you have helped many more souls than you know along the way that you are not meant to see in this life. It could be as simple as a kind word to someone in pain on a rotten day, or a smile to a stranger in the street. Remember to be kind to yourself as well.
You are a pure soul. Sometimes there are just things out of our control and we have to accept that as painful and ugly as the truth of it is. It's not a failing on you, life is brutal and unkind sometimes. You have kept your loving giving heart in a often times cruel world that's a beautiful accomplishment
Brother, you seem to me like one of the most geniune people in here. Theres alot we dont agree on, but, you have always been civil in our conversations. I have the feeling that you helped out way more people than you realize. You are a blessing to all those you help. I do hope that you find peace.
You're one of the good ones.
You’re the kindest, most caring and gentle soul here…and its no surprise how much you respect women…so please don’t be so harsh on yourself, Copper…🤗😒
My life is dedicated to helping everyone. My gift to the world is full knowledge of what awaits us when we die. 100% accurate. This gives us purpose we can act upon.
I think about what your mum said and did

To stage a suicide, be crying out for help from a five year old child, while simultaneously pushing them away, punishing them for your own failure to love, your own inability to accept love - due to unspeakable abuse

The damage of abuse truly is inter -generational

The pain she was feeling must’ve been astronomical.

Sometimes it can hurt to be seen. What we were told was ‘love’ wasn’t. Sometimes it feels like walking around with a mortal wound. Somebody comes near it and we snarl ‘just. stay. away.’

I am glad your mum and your late wife had the benefit of your kindness, your loyalty and your good heartedness. It can never be about ‘saving’ everyone though I know you would interject yourself between a loved one and any pain. We can’t.

It can only be to see and to love and to help where we can, and most of all to be there.

I wish that someone had been there, had shown up for that little boy.

What is miraculous is that you have broken the cycle Copper. Where you received misplaced rage and horrific abuse, you didn’t crumble, the goodness in your heart didn’t flee and hide. Even in the face of abuse and failure and hopelessness you stood your ground and loved.

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