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Am I evil??

So im 26. Im still working my way in life. I have 3 half sisters from my biological mom and 4 brothers. All of them are having difficulty in life. One married too early and got a kid. She cant find a job cause in my country. They have high standards like atleast achieving 3rd year college before you get a job. Her husband works in the grocery store. He is a stacker for food products and they dont earn much. I am able to afford things i want cause i decided not to have a child and i worked really hard for my job. I didnt settle for the minimum wage. I got rejected so many times but i didnt give up until a company stepped up to my salary expectation. I earn more than double of the daily rate of employees in my country. Im grateful for it. I worked hard for it. I got a job as a customer service. Online tutor. Back office worker before i received the job and salary i want. Now the problem is my half brothers and sister. We have a culture.if you are the eldest which i am. You must help them cause that is your purpose as said by elders. If you abandon your responsibility you are considered trash of society. Am i selfish for not wanting to do this responsibility?? I moved in a different city. I feel im slowly dying. Like was i born to work and work and work so i can give away my hard earned money??? Am i selfish??? Im still in the point in my life where i moved to an apartment and im still buying things. Before when i was still helping them. I want to buy at the thrift store new shirt for myself but then i think the money should just be given to my half brothers and sisters.
Gusman · 61-69, M
You are not selfish. You are looking after yourself first which is what everyone should do.
When you have achieved your goals, when you have attained all you need, when you move further up the ladder with higher pay grades, then you can help those whom you want to help.
The cultural mores can actually have a detrimental affect on society in my opinion.
There will always be those who will abuse the generosity of others.
Australia's indigenous population have the same cultural value. What happens in reality is that a huge number of the population are virtually thrown into destitution by trying to support their extended family.
Yes, this is a white man's view and I may be wrong for my thinking.
Get your life together first, then decide from there.
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
I don't think you're evil, in my opinion it's not your responsibility to pay for your siblings day to day lives at the expense of your own. You work hard for what you have and shouldn't have to shop in thrift stores if you don't want to.

Don't get me wrong I suspect if they really needed it you'd still help them out but sometimes you need to be cruel to be kind in order that they learn how to look after themselves.
updown2020 · 61-69, M
Well sorry you need to wake up you are being used. As you said you work hard for your money and you are going just to give it away to lazy people? And if you keep this up they will never stop asking for money. Why would they work when they can just come to you have to stop this and stop fast. You are not teaching them responsibility by just handing over money.
JohnnySpot · 56-60, M
The custom of helping your family members financially has limits.

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