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I Have Random Thoughts

One of my pet peeves are the people who do things out of their own free will, make their own choices, Then turn around and blame every other person or thing for any negative outcomes that may arrise from those choices. Examples, student didn't show up to class, or didn't pay attention then fails the test/assignment turn around and say "that teacher was bad" "they sucked". Another pet peeve is group projects, one or two people always end up doing all the work and the other rides on the coat tails of the ones who worked. Then when the grade comes out and if its not what the person wanted they get mad because you didn't do good enough on an assignment. This of course happens all the time in the real world so I have to get used to it but oh does it make me mad. Then when person is home in bed dying of a cold, then you see online that they are out drinking.

Basically I just dont like people that don't or wont take responsibility for their actions
Rant over
Have a good day.
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acpguy · C
I agree with you and have seen a lot of it as my wife is a teacher and I have helped do some classes. I think a lot of it is the enabling parents, teachers and coaches today who want the kids to have awards for coming in last even. They try to make the kids feel like winners despite not winning. We as a society will pay for this in the near future and are now as the USA has fallen a great deal in our education and our school systems try very hard to make it look like they are doing a great job when they are not by changing the grade structure to make it look like the kids are intelligent.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
I feel the same way.
Sounds like you do not like lazy irresponsible people. Understandable.
IWasCallingYaLarry · 31-35, M
You're 100% right. People just don't wanna be adults anymore and wanna shift the blame for their actions all onto something else because of their incompetence. Btw I wanna ask you something. Can you message me? I can't message you.

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