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Honest question

So if the US is the land of liberty, individual freedom, or how it pronounces itself to be, why the sudden shift allowing the state to control people's life more than any other Western country?
Lostpoet · M
Abortion from the conservative stand point has always been about the rights of the unborn child. And i think the mental and physical well being of the woman also plays a role. Some abortion clinics and practices were down right criminal in the way the operated. I think this leaves room for a better law on abortion rights. Just because the law got abolished doesn't mean the argument for women's freedom to choose what they do with their body is wrong.
Lostpoet · M
@bijouxbroussard Just because I'm against abortions doesn't mean that I'm one of those crazy people that spit in someone's face for disagreeing with me. I have never voted for or against any reproductive rights laws. I was just stating my opinion and then I got thrown into playing the advocate.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@bijouxbroussard I'm aware of the 2003 decision. I'm saying if you read the original text of Roe v. Wade, it specially allows up to partial birth abortions, which nobody is willing to defend, hence the 2003 decision.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
All governments are about limiting personal freedoms.

One anonymous judge (quoted in the Harvard Law review in the early 1900s) was quoted as saying that "my right to swing my arms around in any direction ends where the other fellow's nose begins".

People are quick to say "there oughta be a law" when they are offended by a thought/word/deed.

And laws change based, not on our getting smarter or kinder but based on what the people in charge decides is good and proper.

Slavery in the US was legal for a few centuries, now it's not and we punish slave traffiking. Booze was legal - then a Constituional Amendment made it illegal - then it was legal. Marijuana and opium were legal until they weren't. Abortion was illegal, then legal, now it's up to individual states.

I'm coming to the realization that there is no universal truth regarding right and wrong - only the majority viewpoint.
@Pretzel And not even a majority of the people this will affect. Most people (68%) supported choice when this ruling was issued. In choosing these justices, Trump once again acted as president of the GOP and not of the USA.
actually, individual states will mandate their own laws to a degree, as they did when the federation ruled abortion legal. people still had to cross state lines that banned abortion when it was federally legal.

just like weed is not legal on a federal level, but certain states have either de-criminalized, medically legalized, and/or even legalized it recreationally, yet the feds don't interfere.

this won't go exactly like that, but we're not a cohesive unit like some might think.

so there's nothing to stop the pendulum swinging back in the opposite direction, because there is no plan set in motion for the support of women and children in medical and financial crises.
@LordShadowfire some Dems are actually Reps, just to make it more hilarious and stupid
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@SW-User I know. DINOs are more abundant than anyone realized.
helenS · 36-40, F
It's about an unsolvable contradiction of rights: the right of the unborn to be born, and the rights of pregnant women to be in control of their body.
@helenS Unless the country plans to start incarcerating all pregnant women and treating them as human incubators, the woman’s rights must ultimately prevail. This has set women’s rights back at least 50 years.
helenS · 36-40, F
@bijouxbroussard We have similar conditions in several European countries where right-wing parties have taken over. Poland is a horrible example. There is an alliance between the ruling nationalist party and the Polish Catholic church. 😕
@helenS Our country was always rather proud of being able to separate church and state when it came to laws, since everyone here isn’t Christian or even theist—but we’re all expected to follow the laws. I’m not sure how this can be reversed, because the GOP is also trying to suppress the vote, which would be our legal way to do so.
Some men have been behaving as if this ruling will only affect women. Now they’ll have to consider whether or not "getting laid" is worth paternity suits and garnished wages for 18 years. In the internet age there are fewer places to hide.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
The thing is, the states' rights advocates call this a victory because the Supreme Court is rolling back federal authority. They don't see the loss of freedom, because what they are seeing is a lessening of federal control, so they are distracted from the tightening of state control.
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