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To clear the air: I didn't get kicked out of the pet shop for telling a bird to "suck my genitals."

I was trying to teach the parrot to say it..
Samek · 36-40, M
Place I work at has a higher end clothing shop next door and the major draw of the shop is their parrot who waddles around and greets customers. His name is Conrad and he is awesome when he isn't in a mood.
Midnightoker1 · 61-69, M
@Samek 👍👍
Midnightoker1 · 61-69, M
@ThreeLittleBirds lol..👍👍👍
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Midnightoker1 · 61-69, M
@smiler2012 @smiler2012 👍👍👍😂😂😂

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