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The answer is no

Did not get the job.

Going to throw myself a pity party.

Honestly, I am very dissapointed. Really just over myself.

LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
Sometimes things happen for a reason.

I was at my lowest point in life (ok…one of them) and asked my current employer at that time for a raise (.25cents to cover bus fare to work). He said no…he could find anyone to do my job for the same wage.
I felt sooo unappreciated for all the extras that I did…I went back to work doing the bare minimum and miserable with coworkers and friends alike.
About a couple weeks later, A friend asked me for some help studying for his power plant operators license. I was so interested in what he was learning, I took the same course he did, quit the shit hole old job and found an entry level career job.

Fast forward…I ended up commissioning 3 power plants and retired after a 35 year career.

Sometimes things happen…just not the way you hoped them too.

Ferric67 · M
No worries jlp, this just means it's not for you at this moment. Your quest has other intentions.
Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
Don’t forget the ice cream cake! You can’t have a real pity party without an ice cream cake 😉
Peachtree · 51-55, F
Hang in there… good things will come!
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
Shit happens, try, try again and you will succeed
Krysclear · 31-35, F
What’s meant to be will be❤️
AlyAngel · F
Hugs, I am sorry hon.
Icetrey · 41-45, M
Sorry to hear. Its a rough time.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I am sorry lovely 💗

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