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Legalize drugs and end the war on drugs

I think we should legalize drugs like cocaine, meth and heroin. I think it’s a mistake to do drugs but everyone should have a right to make mistakes. What we put in our bodies should be up to each individual adult.
The war on drugs is based on ignorance and lies. It has caused more harm than the drugs themselves.
Here is something everyone should know. The great majority of people who do drugs do not have a drug problem. 70 to 80 percent of these people do their drugs and still live responsible lives.
I have to add something to this because people tend to make unfounded accusations against me. I do not do drugs. I quit drinking alcohol 5 months ago. I smoked marijuana about 5 times 30 years ago and did not like it. But people who do not want to discuss the facts tend to make ad hominem attacks against me.
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SteelHands · 61-69, M
Drugs are illegal for many reasons.

There is an industry and government regulating branch that allows their legitimate use. Those are both poorly run at the moment and need to be run better but I have no problem with that arrangement.

Non legitimate use includes people under drug influence doing their jobs, driving their cars, raising and teaching kids -in haphazard, incompetent or dangerous ways.

The intentional enticement to solve all of life's many complex problems by addicting people to drugs is societally harmful and deswtructive of the individual in almost every example.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@Bandit2398 Here's why drugs need to go.

About 5%-10% of all the addicts on average die of overdoses and every year more addicts add to the total number of addicts. (see graphs)

Around 60,000 deaths a year from heroin and fentanyl.

Around 16000 deaths a year from Meth.

What this means. Around 1.2 million opioid addicts, around 350,000 meth addicts.

The street trade in these drugs conceals several things.

First, the massive quantities required to supply these addicts with their substances each year cannot be purely outside of enforcement controls.

At only one gram a day per addict. Though the actual amounts probably average a few. Between a half million and a million pounds a year of those drugs are circulated through the system.

Roughly 3 billion dollars in drug profits.

Sickening as it is, this means that the government would have to have people involved to get that much into the country, and that amount to raw materials for a meth labs, as well as big business controls of those chemicals, and both are profiting from those deaths.

Frankly as for the addicts my opinion is that they're already a lost cause. As for those dealers in death. I am disgusted by them and hope that someone like Trump gets in again. To expose and see them pay the ultimate price, just as the filthy sex peddler Epstien was finally brought down.

Let me make myself clearer. I know that it was just one Epstein, and just a few years of cutting off the drug supplys.

And now we see because this administration is not even trying to hide it.

Get off the horse and crystals kids. The next one is going to make Trump look like a sunday school teacher.

You can quote me on that.
Bandit2398 · 51-55, M
@SteelHands “ In a controversy the instant we feel anger we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves.”
I don’t know how to debate someone who gets angry and ignores any evidence that proves him wrong.
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Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
🤔.....The war on drugs is a failure. Sentencing people to years in prison is a failure....The Nancy "just say no to drugs" was a joke. Corporate Prisons should closed down....
Bandit2398 · 51-55, M
I’m only responding in case anyone believes the lies you are spreading. I’m ok with you thinking I’m an evil idiot and your negative comments are welcomed but I wish you would fact check yourself before posting lies. Here are a few things you got wrong. Our drug laws may be decades old but not centuries old. When the drink Coca Cola was created it originally contained the cocoa leaves that are used to make cocaine today. They took it out when the laws went into effect. Decriminalization is not a newly minted word for legalization. If I was to drive 10 miles over the speed limit under criminalization I would be arrested. Under decriminalization I would get a traffic ticket and a fine and maybe points on my license. Under legalization I wouldn’t get any punishment and could speed as much as I want. You are just wrong in this. And drugs do not induce schizophrenia. Dr Lester grinspoon said if that was true we would see a correlation between drug use and schizophrenia which we don’t. They used to say weed caused it back in the 80’s but this was just a lie.
Like I said before your opinions and negative comments are welcomed but please fact check yourself before making these lies. @SteelHands
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@Bandit2398 It is factual information that opioids were regulated by most of the pre industrialized and comparitively modern countries for that long.

There are many legends about famous poets and the uber classes flaunting their ability to use throughout their entire life, but the average citizen didn't even know those things existed. Opium dens existed along most asiatic routes for half a thousand years and they were legal in the wealthiest countrys, Turkey for example, a long time.

Which goes a long way in explaining why Turkey went from being the richest Country on the planet to one of the third world countries rapidly.

When Turkey realized it's mistake they cracked down hard on all drugs. Even hashish. Interestingly they knew better than to take the addicts off the street but sentenced smugglers and sellers to life without parole.

Still do, matter of fact. In Saudi it's the chop. Don't tell me I don't have my facts in order, youngster.

Coca cola, before it came in bottles was a closely guarded trade secret energy restorative prescription you only obtained from a pharmacist.

Just as codiene cough syrup when I was a small boy, something that you could obtain from a professional pharmacist.

The laws were that only licensed pharmacists could peddle it and you had to sign a request for it in his book. They were given the authority to prescribe back then.

They are no longer permitted to prescribe drug concoctions that are scheduled.

Though it's been said widely that when mass production of coca cola, pepsi cola, etc began it still contained trace amounts though I was never able to verify that rumor.

Neither was I able to verify that camel smokes were loaded up with opium. Another unlikely rumor.

There are criminal statutes and there are civil ordinances. A criminal statute is a crime. A civil ordinance is a social demerit. It means nothing to someone that doesn't care if he is denied a city service or can't buy a fishing license because a fine didn't get paid.

Decriminality is legality. Polyester suited sharks call this legal speak. Do not tell me that decriming a criminal act isn't legalizing. You should be aware of the fact that even though traffic laws have state statutes on the books, there are no arrests made for moving violations. The state allows it's cities and counties to enforce and regulate but there is no prison time for any number of traffic "phopahs" even though, yes, these are actually criminal offenses. Of such low grade that the maximum penalty is revoking the driving privilege. As someone who knows that about half the drivers in large cities don't hold driver's licenses (another fact you aren't aware of) they don't care and apparently there isn't enough jails to house them all. (Thank the democrats for never bothering to consider what happens when you don't enforce a law.)

Oh but they won't decriminalize driving without a license. Because they can't impose nosebleed fines on those of us who usuall abide by the laws as much as we can, then get caught when we are in a hurry.

Claiming that someone who is an opioid addict is not mentally destabilized and represents a danger to himself and society sounds to me like it would only be from someone already damaged in some way.

After all. It is factually illegal right now to be buying, holding, or selling those things if you are not a physician. It isn't a difficult law to abide by. Nobody NEEDS street drugs. And those who claim they do should go about it the legal way if they actually do NEED them. But thats too much to ask of someone isn't it. Obey the law. Don't pollute your brain so bad that you can't think clearly. And make all kinds of stupid claims about it being "good for society" and "a neccesity for the addict."

That legalizing and decriminalizing is semantic horse manure, and people dying, society destroying dangerous drugs are no big thing. Because look how well Hunter Biden, the full blown crack head, and other ones making 6 figures (along with every other wealthy familys loser rotten crooked kids) do.

And you say that I'm spreading "disinformation" because the drugs you worship are your own god.

Yeah ryightttte. So dumb. I sure hope that there aren't too many like you. The decent families in this country are gonna want to send you and your addict buddies to the chamber once they see what a horror, if unleashed, it would become.
Bandit2398 · 51-55, M
So I want to ask you. Is there any amount of evidence that would cause you to change your mind? If life greatly improves for everyone in places where they decriminalize drugs would you change your mind? @SteelHands
hunkalove · 61-69, M
The War on Drugs is based on greed, like everything else in America. It isn't just the drug cartels and dealers who get rich, it's the politicians and companies that supply the so-called "war."
Gangstress · 41-45, F
@hunkalove exactly
RoxClymer · 41-45, M
Portugal did it over a decade ago and set a precedent for decriminalization
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@RoxClymer And not much different than making it illegal.
Miram · 31-35, F

Pay healthcare professionals better, less work hours, more trained staff. And build better child protection systems. The consequences of easier access to addictive substances in communities riddled with other societal problems will not be the same as in those of better education and awareness.
Katabasis · 41-45, M
Brilliant, and then we are up to our eyes in junkies who will steal anything not nailed down to feed their habit. Keep dreaming.
Bandit2398 · 51-55, M
@canusernamebemyusername and they decriminalized drugs. They did not legalize them
Katabasis · 41-45, M
@canusernamebemyusername No I’m not saying take them legal or otherwise. Junkies are a drain on health services, a source of crime, their kids don’t get a proper schooling because the parents are too busy dribbling in a corner to support them. It’s a problem and should stay a crime.
Bandit2398 · 51-55, M
Thank you for your reply. While it is true that drug addicts commit crimes and can be bad parents it’s not as prevalent as you think. The great majority of drug users are responsible citizens and good parents. Rush Limbaugh is a good example. There are plenty of doctors, college professors, politicians, police officers and so on who use drugs without committing crimes and are good parents. It’s more similar to alcohol. Most of the people who drink do so responsibly but there are a minority who get violent and abuse their wives and kids. The addiction rate for marijuana is about 9% alcohol 15% cocaine 20 to 25% and tobacco 30%. So what you are describing I not as prevalent as you think. Also I don’t believe if you could prevent those people from getting drugs it would make much difference. They will find some other way to ruin their lives like gambling shopping or food addictions. A. @Katabasis
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Gangstress · 41-45, F
It's not hard to regulate really. They just can't be arsed. It'll take money away from big pharma
TexChik · F
Nope ! “ Drugs” includes more than just pot .
Bandit2398 · 51-55, M
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Bandit2398 · 51-55, M
@MarmeeMarch please watch the video. Fact check him. And tell me what I got wrong.
Bandit2398 · 51-55, M
@MarmeeMarch the great majority of people who use alcohol do so responsibly and without problems. But there are drunks that cause problems. They get violent and drive while drunk killing people. Cocaine heroine and meth are like that too. The great majority of people who do them. Do so responsibly without problems. But there are a minority who cause problems. And according to the experts alcohol is just as much of a drug as cocaine and met. Our drug policies are based on ignorance and lies.
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