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What the heck!?!

My husband passed away April 30th last year and I’m still a complete wreck. I still sob and feel so inadequate for life.

Meanwhile, this older gentleman comes to my office.... his wife of 57 years just died in the middle of December last year... that’s just a few weeks folks! And he starts flirting and winking at me and telling me I’m a beautiful woman!!!!

Like how?!?!

Are men just wired differently than women?!?! Or am I weird for not being over my husband yet?!?!
Top | New | Old
James1956 · 61-69, M
Everybody reacts differently to the loss of a loved one
ASLAN · 31-35, M
As men we try to deal with grief instantly but we end up grieving 10 times more after a couple of months or less.. 🤷‍♂️.
So basically he's struggling and doesn't know it yet 🙂
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Says more about his character than perhaps it should.

Doubtless he's doing the same to many others.
Confined · 56-60, M
I lost my dad 2008. There is a gentleman in my moms codo complex lost his wife. He confided in my mom he was lonely and asked for her company. They date on a regular basis. It's cute.
Sit down with him maybe and have a heart to heart.
JoePourMan · 61-69, M
It's just a difference in people.
Hoodski · 36-40, M
Everyone grieves differently
I think he's just a disrespectful creep
Different people react differently to things. Especially grief from losing a loved one. Some people can move on with their life relatively quickly, while some never get over the pain of their loss.

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