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Grief Therapy

Everyone says I need grief therapy because I want to die. I’m not talking about suicide.... I just want to die. I’ve heard of couples where one dies and shortly after the other one dies too.

That’s all I’m talking about.

I’m tired of sobbing every single day.

Of course a dude on here told me I should be ashamed of myself because others are more deserving of help.

I’m not asking.

Okay, I did look into therapy, but you know.... Covid19.
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Abstraction · 61-69, M
a dude on here told me I should be ashamed of myself because others are more deserving of help.
Goodness me. Deep as a mud puddle.

I'm so sorry. How long ago was it? Sometimes pain is so deep that everything else all around you is completely trivial. I only have a little space here to type, and I almost don't want to say anything other than acknowledge that what you're going through is completely overwhelming. Because anything else i say will sound so disconnected and far away from where you are right now.

Only that you'll have these bad days, maybe many of them. But you will get through. You will feel joy again. You will have brilliant days, things you'll be so glad about. All this. And what I'm saying probably seems pointless right now. That's ok. Just know it's true, because others have been there before you. Grief counselling can help - you probably know there are stages, but they're all over place rather than sequential. What it means is that most of the advice about how to process things won't make sense until you're ready for that. No-one knows what you're going through like you do. I hope you can find someone who can just sit with you. Walk with you through it, without judgement, without trying to solve everything.
realrare · 51-55, F
@Abstraction you asked how long ago was it.... it was April 30th when he died. I couldn’t have a memorial till May 30th because of Covid19.
@Abstraction It's a shame that this pathetic excuse for a human being didn't drown in said mud puddle!!! There's no reason to be mean to anyone else where grief is concerned.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
Grief can become all consuming for some of us. There is nothing to be ashamed of, and you certainly are not alone in this.

Therapy can certainly help, I hope you can find the strength to keep searching for help, even virtually.

I've had a bit of grief set back in my own life of late and will also be on that search since I didn't care for my last therapist.

Good luck!
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
I noticed in another comment you mentioned you don't even know how to choose a therapist and don't want to pick based on a photo.

Many group and private practice practitioners will have bios on their clinic website. Read them. You'll notice some specailize or indicate they have a passion for specific issues [child psych, eating disorders, families, past trauma, or as in your case grief].

Perhaps Google theapists specializing in grief in your area, then contact the clinic/provider or your insurance co to see if they're approved, and ask the clinic/provider if they have video or phone chat options. Many do.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
Grief is a difficult emotion to deal with. Try looking into teletherapy. A close family member is a psychiatrist and she has been doing many of her consults online due to the coronavirus. Many psychiatrists have taken on pro bono cases to deal with the increased stress many people are seeing. Please try reaching out again for your sake and the sake of your loved one.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@realrare Try him again. Grief therapy is common and he will likely have someone the practice uses.
realrare · 51-55, F
@windinhishair I’ll see if I can. I got work junk the next couple of days so I can’t right away.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@realrare As soon as you can, please.
A lot of people here say things just for the sake of being heard,despite their opinion being the result of oral defecation .
You are grieving. And it is okay to feel like that. When you lose someone very close to you ,a loved one,you grieve them forever. Your pain is nothing anyone can imagine. It is yours. But it is not unshared. All I can say is,time does help.
Hang on there. 🖤
James1956 · 61-69, M
The person who said you should be ashamed is full of crap and obviously has never lost a spouse. It is a dramatic event that turns your world upside down. As I told you the other day I have been in your shoes after losing my wife. I will offer again to be someone you can talk to if you want.
realrare · 51-55, F
@James1956 Here’s the comments.
James1956 · 61-69, M
Ignore him, that was rude and uncalled for. @realrare
grayhalo · 46-50, M
Everyone experiences grief differently. And if people don't like your posts, screw them. Plenty of other things to read here. Do whatever you need to do.
realrare · 51-55, F
@grayhalo thank you
Tell him to go fuck himself!!! You are doing your best. 😡

The timing of Rod's death hasn't really helped you because you don't have access to many of the things that can help with grief.

Are there any telephone counselling services that you might be able to call to have someone to just listen through how you are feeling right now??? They may be able to get a therapist that you can talk to over the phone or something...
@realrare Hmm... this is the same guy who has offered to help me, too...

Having read this, I'm glad that I rely on others for my help and support.
realrare · 51-55, F
@HootyTheNightOwl I didn’t know he’d offered to help you, seems to be a harsh judge.
@realrare No, I'd had no reason to share this information prior to reading this.

You may want to make the Screenshots disappear as soon as people have seen them, though... you don't want to be flagged for sharing unedited messages naming other members 😉

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