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I Have Something to Say

Just came back from my trip to Philly... When I crossed the border to the USA from Canadian land, the officers were so rude and cold... Not even a 'hello'.. They ask you some stupid questions... Like wth??? They interrogate you like you're a sort of dangerous person...

Now that I came back to my precious Canada,I went through the Canadian borders and guess what.. The officers had a smile, even joked and were chill. Three questions asked and they let me go...

That my friends, is why I LOVE MY CANADIANS SO MUCH! They are nice people!!! Ughhhh!!! I visit the US because of its history and lands but the people there... >_< I don't know... I'm used to nice people greeting you, giving you a warm smile, greeting you in the streets, serving you with respect.. Canada is a beautiful country.
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dark548 · M
On a serious note

Canada Population 36.29 million (2016)

U.S. population 325.7 million (2017)

That gotta speak for something 🤔 if I'm correct
HappyFlower · 26-30, F
@dark548 That our immigration laws are stricter???? I dunno ahaha you tell me.. 😄
dark548 · M
@HappyFlower it's harder to coexist and be friendly when a population is bigger maybe
ozgirl512 · 31-35, F
That's what fear does ...
ozgirl512 · 31-35, F
@bijouxbroussard I wish I was ... I think the reaction of the government and others have done more harm to the soul than 9/11 ever did
HappyFlower · 26-30, F
Yes... It's understandable.
ozgirl512 · 31-35, F
@HappyFlower sadly so...
Some places out here (U.S.) are like that too, though. I've been to cities where I was taken aback by the friendliness. It just depends on where you go.
dark548 · M
Then go back to Canada then!
HappyFlower · 26-30, F
@dark548 You should come with me!! 😜😜😜
@dark548yes, go back to where you came from
Welcome home, girl. We are a friendly people. Going home to bed soon?
HappyFlower · 26-30, F
@PoetryNEmotion yes!!! Just waiting here in Montreal to get my bus to Quebec!! So tired! It's 05:54.. Hehehe
@HappyFlower It won't be too much longer then. What were you doing in Philly? Now I want a Philly Cheesesteak sub. Thanks! You take care til you get home. Bonjour and bonne nuit. :)
HappyFlower · 26-30, F
@PoetryNEmotion very sweet of you! I went there for 'Spring break' to meet an online friend. Thank you for the warm welcome home💕
Lillym · 46-50, F
We do have a great country🇨🇦
HappyFlower · 26-30, F
@Lillym OH YES WE DO💝💝
Booyeah · 41-45, M
So you judge an entire country based on the border and immigration officers you had to deal with?

So tolerant.
HappyFlower · 26-30, F
@Booyeah Not only on that.. 😜 I travel a lot to the US.. Well since I was a child because it's our neighbour, and most people have kind of the same attitude! I won't deny the fact that I have met wonderful people, but they are so HARD to find. And my comment is generalised... I know there are exceptions.. I know!
@HappyFlower I have crossed borders a few times. I must look like a terrorist with curls. I have been grilled by a border guard younger than my son. I have had a friend's car searched more than once. Perhaps next time, I may be strip searched. Canadian border officials are often nicer and faster than the American ones. And when people hear I am Canadian while in the US, I am always greeted and treated well. Truth.
justmemyselfandme · 51-55, M
i have been states a few times and have to say the airport guards think there something special. so rude and moody, there is no doubt in my mind it's not me! i went from niagra falls to buffalo easily ten years ago and yep they were so rude, and what a waste of time that was buffalo sucked !! kinda dont really like going state side anymore sod em!
happy flower sad flower, flowers flowers everywhere
HappyFlower · 26-30, F
@SW-User Ah ha ha I love flowers... Ahaha too girly perhaps ahahaha
@HappyFlower you like girly boys ?
HappyFlower · 26-30, F
@SW-User no... Well I don't mind them but yeah... Ahaha
I had the exact opposite experience. But that’s life.
Mysteriousliaisons · 56-60, M
Viva la Canada 🇨🇦. 👍

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