How do your first dates normally go? I usually treat the waitress like a princess because I'm going to treat you like a whore. But isn't that why you agreed to the date? (1)
I Love FlyingSo July 5th I got my commercial multi-engine license. Had to fly down to Jasper, Alabama from Bowling Green, KY to do it because we didn't have an examiner in our area. On July 6th I was pilot-in-command for the flight back, and this was when storms... See More »
Is anyone else looking forward to St Patty's Day?I'm planning my annual pilgrimage to Savannah, GA now.
I Am a PilotPassed my Private Pilot Checkride Tuesday, the 20th. The hardest part was the weather, really. Low level wind shear made soft field-landings....not so soft.
Who cares about speed limits anyways?That was nice of that Nevada county Sheriff to flash his lights to let me know not to pass him.
People who say Trump is "hellbent" on starting World War 3Are literally echoing what people said about Reagan when he called the Soviet Union the "evil empire". Take it back a notch.
When your boss asks "why haven't you responded to my text messages"?"I have a smart phone, it doesn't accept messages from people I don't want to hear from."
Is Billy Currington a big country star?Never heard of him before but the crowd to see him tonight is huge.