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I am the only one of my friends who is still single.

I'll be in a romantically involved relationship again, eventually. Maybe. I think about it, but it's not a priority.
I am just aware of everyone being busy with their own lives. I am tired enough as it is, otherwise I would say I need to find more things to keep me busy. I am busy enough just trying to be a functional human being. Just wish I had more people to talk to, in a way. But it can easily get overwhelming.
Maybe I'll take this time where everyone is busy with their own lives, to focus more on my own stuff, too.
BnBSpringer09 · 26-30, F
As someone with no desire to date and who has been single by choice for nearly a decade, I completely get this! I've definitely used a lot of the time to focus on myself and my life, and implementing the changes I wanted, and I've also branched out and made other connections, as well (I've recently tried a new event/hobby group in town and met a great friend at a local diner, for instance).
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
I believe there is a plan for every one of us. Nobody knows what that plan is, and you can influence it by striving toward something, if you really want it, but if you are unsure, then you sit on the fence and let fate decide.
Good, bad, ugly, all of these things can happen, you are just along for the ride.
pride49 · 31-35, M
Yeah my cousin said "you need to find yourself a man already" yeah I know
ErecSchunn · 46-50, M
So are you smart, or just got lucky? Either way, you’ve got The better deal
justanothername · 51-55, M
What qualities do you look for in a partner?
What a lesson we must all learn from

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