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maybe six months? She's a cutie, looks gentle, reserved.
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@SW-User Nature and instinct... and she's saying she's comfortable with you enough, you have to abide by my rules.
@SW-User How old is she? Do you know?
@SW-User that makes sense ,,,,😁
Just guessing...about 6 months
Just guessing...about 6 months
3 or 4 months? It's hard to judge her size since there isn't anything in the picture to show scale.. take one holding her or put a can of soda or something in the picture
@Onestarlitnight yes, she eats 6 times a day. 😁
That's perfect.. thanks you for being so kind 😊
That's perfect.. thanks you for being so kind 😊
@Onestarlitnight my pleasure. I love her to bits.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
Maybe 3 or 4 months old in this pic as her head hasn't grown into her ears yet. It usually takes about 6-8 months before a kittie's head grows to match the size of her ears. A vet can usually tell the age by the size of the teeth too. 🐱
@spjennifer Aww, interesting facts, thanks for letting me know.
Piper · 61-69, F
My guess based on the picture, is that she's 6 or 7 months old now. It's hard tell though, and however old she is...she's precious. 😊
@Piper she is. I never kissed any of my previous cats but I'm doing it to her because she likes to kiss me on the nose and chin.
Ferric67 · M
Cute cat
@Ferric67 yep!🤩
olderuncle944 · 70-79, M
cute kitten
So cute. I'm guessing around 5 months in that pic so 8 months by now. Birthday might be in March.
@SW-User thanks...Uhm...I celebrate her birthday every month since I found her 😁
Get her spayed as soon as possible, cats are a horrible menace to birds and other life. It's not their fault, it's ours, and it disgusts me.
GLITTER · 36-40, F
10-14 weeks
GLITTER · 36-40, F
@SW-User they will be able to tell if she is the right age for it. But more so just in case she has fleas or worms etc, they’ll need to give her a thorough check over
@GLITTER no fleas. I dewormed her already.
GLITTER · 36-40, F
@SW-User 👍🏼
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
2 months old
@FreestyleArt that's too young......when she runs, seems like flying, jumping from afar.
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
3 months?
@Quimliqer maybe older....
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
She bebbe