They all sound like good options. Usually whatever I’ve been doing too much of, I’ll try to do the opposite. So if I haven’t been sleeping much, I’ll sleep. If I haven’t been active, I’ll walk. If I’ve been inside too much, ill do something outside. What’ve you been doing lately? and if I only get one option, I’d choose go for a walk
@ColorMeDarkBlue3 I hope you start feeling better soon. If you like making lists, you can make a “how to take care of me” list. It may seem silly but it can help when you get stuck or can’t seem to remember how to take care of yourself. Just easy things like eat, drink, take meds, take a shower, water the plants. and you can go into more detail, like some of your favorite foods, or really easy to prepare foods.
Stay home and chill Unless weather there is awesome then go to the park