is it fair for an apt manager to expect people to move all their stuff out and then move it back 2 wks later?
where i live they want to do some renovating so in a couple of months i might have to move my stuff out, i have a lot of stuff and then move it back in, i suppose i could get rid of some of it, theyre supposed to help us move, the thing is im dealing with some medical issues and dont want to be bothered with all this moving my stuff around. ive been seeing a neurologist for constant headaches, ive had mri's show up nothing, i have a lump i noticed on the left side of my forehead so im getting that checked by a neurologist soon, im doing the life line screening cause i want to see if blockages are causing it, it could be a blood clot for all i know, plus i have bad kidneys, the last thing i need is to have apt managers force you to move your stuff and then move it back two wks later, they say a mover will help but thats not the point, id have to figure out how to plug in my phone and internet all over again. i could toss some stuff out, but i dont think its fair to pay rent and not be allowed to stay there or keep your stuff there, my apt dont need fixing, anyways to get them not to do this? im thinking of moving out so i only have to move out once and not twice.anyone else deal with this, i find it very unfair.