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OMG who can handle uncensored deepweb videos... You get schizophrenia immediately

Iwillwait · M
What are you watching?
CestManan · 46-50, F
@Nobody00 this might be a stretch of a correlation, but his last name is kind of weird anyway. Gates? Like the Gates of Heaven? The gates of hell? One thing I have always wondered but never got much of an answer to was why some people want to control the whole goddamned world? Like what would even be the point?
Nobody00 · F
@CestManan you can not understand the point because only another sick person can love and understand his controlling ideas too. A normal healthy person can not comprehend his point or think it is normal. I do not want to know what my neighbor is doing even if they tried to tell me. Aside from all the "conspiracy theories" if you watch his face when he talks abut it...He, himself loves it and enjoys talking about it. So, besides financial interest he is like personally interested in it and that's terrible, cause passion for something like that is scary...
CestManan · 46-50, F
I do not want to know what my neighbor is doing even if they tried to tell me.

I hear that. I am that way, if it doesn't involve me, I keep my nose out of it.

I imagine most normal people mostly mind their own business.
Most of us would not even want to be a team lead at our jobs but then here is some whack job like Gates who wants to rule the G.D. planet.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
I wouldn't even risk it. The "dark web" has become known as a haven for not only nasty horror stuff but also a lot of organised crime - though it is not so dark the security services can't crack it.

If my computer broke down and I had to take it in for repairs, I don't want the dealer finding illicit material on it.

For the same reason I won't fall for the ads that appear sometimes purporting to sell you coding software to hide your Internet use. Unless perhaps you are a Russian, Saudi or Chinese citizen trying to tell the world what's happening in your country, why would you want your browsing hidden, given that it probably won't stop the likes of Google and Facebook selling your data anyway? (If you install WIN 10 fully, it gives them and MS even more access.)
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Iwillwait "Partly" by the choices MS offered for its newly-published W10 when that was free.

The installation offered either Full or Custom versions (I think they were the words used). A great big bright virtual button for Full, a much smaller, more discreet one for Custom.

The rubric explained the differences, including that a "Full" installation gives MS a lot of access to your account. I forget its excuses. "Custom" allowed limiting that access and let me omit many auxiliaries needless to me.

So I opted for the Custom, or partial, version.

This was among the first W10 releases; a disaster, and among the worst of MS products right from WIN 3.1. (I think XP was its best.) A dreadful mess. I reverted the PC to WIN 7 Pro, then spent the evening replacing my several web-site registrations that WIN 10 had deleted.

I don't know what opting-out MS will allow now. Anyway MS is developing WIN-12 - after saying it was dropping the numbered series.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Nobody00 I have my ISP's security filters set fairly high.

They tripped me up when I tried to investigate a substance called gun-blue, for protecting steel from rust. I don't own a **n but wanted the chemical for treating some machine parts.

The system saw that "g++ " word and blocked access, even though to a reputable country-sports equipment retailer that lists no weapons in its on-line catalogue!
Iwillwait · M
@ArishMell wow. Thank you.
Nobody00 · F
It turns out that SimilarWorlds is actually are all angels here. 🤗🤗🤗
LadyJ · F
No I'm too sensitive...disturbing things stay with me for a long time
The early internet scarred me forever. You could find anything. I wish I hadn’t.
CestManan · 46-50, F
@Nobody00 not anymore. Just curious. What did you come across on the dark web that you are bothered by?
Nobody00 · F
@CestManan I posted it here already, someone asked same question earlier. Sadism, blood and death up close on camera.
CestManan · 46-50, F
@Nobody00 I understand.
Dolimyte · 41-45, M
What videos? Kiddie and snuff stuff? Why would I want to?
Driver2 · M
@Nobody00 what is it?
Dolimyte · 41-45, M
@Nobody00 the kiddie stuff may not be what you were referencing, but you're kidding yourself if you don't think it's there.
Nobody00 · F
@Driver2 everything. Bloody. One is named "last Harvest" or something. The dude is sucked in into that huge machine that works in the fields.. THEN I SHUT IT OFF...cause he probably got crushed there on camera or something , I have no idea. But I am still dizzy from just imagining it. Lord Jesus Christ...what demons made me go there. I swear. I'm still dizzy, with a headache...and I am glad I didn't watch that. Now wondering WHO in the world watches it. Like, what kind of people 🤨 What's in their mind. Sick isn't the word
LoveTriumphsOverHate · 36-40, M
I don't like disturbing videos; I'm not squeamish but I just don't like to watch sick stuff.
Nobody00 · F
@LoveTriumphsOverHate me neither. Sick doesn't even describe it. Disturbing also not it.
Fishy · 36-40, F
I'm too much of a wimp to go there lol
Nobody00 · F
@Fishy you will regret looking at that bloody nightmares for the rest of your life lol I'm out
Fishy · 36-40, F
@Nobody00 I only heard stories about it, and the stories alone give me nightmares
Nobody00 · F
@Fishy I am not clicking on it again either...
Magenta · F
I NEVER want to witness that.
Straylight · 31-35, F
Nooope. No thank you.
empanadas · 31-35, M
i watch a few of them and i literally have ptsd
Nobody00 · F
@empanadas I think you need to have a iron nerves or something. Made out of steel
empanadas · 31-35, M
@Nobody00 i got tricked into viewing some. 🤮 saw a dude cut off his dick like nothing 🤮 i wish i never download the onion browser
Nobody00 · F
@empanadas No one warned me. I see "uncensored news"...I thought it was JUST NEWS...maybe some clips they banned from CNN. I regret it. PEOPLE. Never click it. Uncensored on google is very different from uncensored on TOR .

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