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Ever seen anyone who could literally talk for three straight hours without taking a breath in between 76,836 words ??

me, sitting in the next office........
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Boo-Boo gets on those streaks sometimes. I went shopping after I dropped the boy off. Got home about 20 minutes ago and heard his chattering even before I opened the front door. I got inside and he’s still chattering and I said “Mama’s home.” He says “Thank you” and goes back to chattering.
Adrift · 61-69, F
swirlie · 31-35, F
Own it, Adrift. It's your's, not mine!
Adrift · 61-69, F
@swirlie You seem damaged so I'll leave you alone.
swirlie · 31-35, F
You're projecting your inner-most thoughts about yourself again! You keep doing that!
Some people love hearing themselves talk. Usually they are the only ones who like it.
Fieldmaster · 46-50, M
Yes, i am one of them, how dare you talk about me like that? 😡
AbbeyRhode · F
Yes! I have a family member like that. God help me if I answer a phone call from them, and I don't have three hours to spare. I try saying I have to go, I need to use the restroom, the house is on fire, etc., all to no avail. This person is like a phone terrorist, there's no escape!
4meAndyou · F
My cousin, whom I love dearly, is like that. She used to call me while she was doing her morning exercises, but that basically trapped me on the phone for an hour, and I didn't have an extra task I could do while talking on the phone. She has stopped calling me, and just sends me very long emails now to catch me up with her family.

Now, my cousin was NEVER as bad as two air headed girls who once sat in the seats in front of me on the train. The mindless blather coming out of their mouths was making me want to scream and puke at the same time...a Scruke!!!! 🤣🤣🤣 They didn't stop for an entire hour.
Definitely have.
They could talk Underwater with a mouth full of golf balls..
Blondily · F
We went to a restaurant not too long ago and were sitting next to a non stopping long talker. All thru our meal he talked non stop. Ruined our special time out.🫤
My co worker 😕
She never stfu ever ...my ears feel like they will explode
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
Yes I know people like that. I’m literally sitting in my car right now to get away from my office for 15 mins because I can’t take any more of the incessant obnoxious voice that just fucking Yapping non stop today
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
I'm amazed at how much people can talk. I just can't think of that much to say.
Yes. I finally told her I couldn't stay on the phone any longer - that she's a marathon talker and I'm a short-sprint listener. Since then, our talks have been fairly short. Thankfully.
swirlie · 31-35, F
I am so sorry Phail, you should have mentioned something sooner... 🫣
@swirlie Well, I thought she might finish her monologue at any moment, but it just wasn't so. I let it go on until I couldn't take anymore. I had her on speakerphone, and was doing some work as I half-way listened. But then had to stop after about 3 hours.
swirlie · 31-35, F
I'm in agony just reading your post here.
DJT??? My Ex-wife?
Lilymoon · F
Yep 🤦🏻‍♀ 💤
meggie · F
Yes, a colleague used to ring repeatedly at night and on the weekend. I changed my number
swirlie · 31-35, F
Yes, about two weeks ago. I was in a restaurant having dinner with a friend. It was a smorgasbord-style Chinese restaurant with a giant 200 gallon fish tank mounted in the center of the room with about 200 goldfish swimming around inside their brightly illuminated environment. Across from where we were sitting, there was a guy sitting alone but talking non-stop and very loudly on his cellphone, telling someone a story about his last fishing trip. After about 30 minutes of listening to his very loud boy-talk banter with his macho-man fishing buddy he was talking to, he finally put the caller on hold while he got up and went over to the salad bar, leaving his cellphone sitting still connected with his caller on his table next to his cutlery.

I saw an opportunity suddenly present itself. Excusing myself from our table, I got up and walked over to that lonely table for one, I picked up the guy's cellphone from the table, then walked over to the fish tank and dropped his phone into the water, watching it slide down the inside of the glass and getting wedged against a plastic sunken treasure at the bottom which aided in keeping his cellphone standing upright in the fish tank and in full view.

I then went back and sat down at my friend's table... When the guy came back to his table, he never even noticed that his cellphone was missing, but instead just started eating his salad! He had forgotten that he had put his friend on hold before he got up to hit the buffet, but there was his cellphone bubbling away in full view, about 10 feet away from where he was sitting!

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