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Has anyone received this dm? How did u respond? P.S: The prof has a warningg

Hello Ma'am,

my name is Christiane, but I am called Missy only. I am a 20 y.o. catholic girl from Germany, still in school, strongly into mature ladies, living alone with my Daddy. He is strict and controlling and still disciplines me if necessary. He thinks that I am yet immature and still need it like a 13.y.o girl. You seem to be a mature lady experienced with discipline too, and since my mom died by cancer when I was 12, I am lacking of motherly influence, so would love to talk with you. I promise to be respectful, polite and docile, Ma'am.

Btw Ma'am, if you are confused about that warning in my profile... its because a bunch of people complained about my explicite pictures during the last 2 years. And any of them reported me and told that I am not real.
I was dumb and showing too much of myself. 😞
Then this may happen.

I can show you a selfie and my id, to prove my identity, Ma'am.
Jarffff · 46-50
I don't get anything as detailed as that, just random folks saying Hello, i don't always say hi back, but when i do, it doesn't go anywhere, and i'm fine with that.
Captainjackass · 31-35, M
I never get the creeps in my dm’s. Im not pretty enough.
Her photos are of a 37 year old model and her proof is a photoshopped id card she's not holding.
I got this and I was grossed out.
decentsoul · 26-30, F
@DarlingSelah Looks like a fake one
Weird and "off"...
decentsoul · 26-30, F
@SomeMichGuy yeah :?
decentsoul · 26-30, F
@decentsoul Yeah 🤭
Wow, that's pretty detailed. I've never gotten anything like that before though. To me, it sounds like an intro script to a detailed scam. It's not just your, go to CVS and buy Google Play gift cards, send us the codes, this is a whole other level.
Oneofthestormboys · 100+, M
Sounds a bit like the emails I get from exiled Nigerian princes, who only need my bank account details in order to unlock their Swiss vaults full of diamonds.
I for one am that gullible that I believe every word.
Lovely people.
DDonde · 31-35, M
Report this person.
IBHappy · F
Got the exact save one months ago. Never responded. Just archived it.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
I had one very similar to that. Just weird.
Something's off kilter+++

Report and block.
mooncrest02 · 31-35, F
Pretty sure i blocked them or put em on ignored msgs.
Lilymoon · F
Yep I didn't respond lol 🤦🏻‍♀️
GBPackersFan · 41-45, M
No I guess for once I got lucky 😂
Story of my life.
Sapio · 51-55, M
Very strange indeed.
CheezeburgerBrown · 36-40, M
Every SW dm post EVER!!
So bizarre.
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decentsoul · 26-30, F
@caPnAhab Blocked her
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