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beckyromero · 36-40, F
Depends on who it is.
If it was Julius Caesar he'd probably want to take some of our military gadgets back with him or at least study the tactics to win his battles quicker.
Oh, and he'd watch his back.
Who knows. Maybe he'd see the marvels of the modern world and how the living standards of the masses have immersably improved and he'd go back to actually improve his (while remaining in power of course).
If it was Julius Caesar he'd probably want to take some of our military gadgets back with him or at least study the tactics to win his battles quicker.
Oh, and he'd watch his back.
Who knows. Maybe he'd see the marvels of the modern world and how the living standards of the masses have immersably improved and he'd go back to actually improve his (while remaining in power of course).
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
They would see all the advancements of the last 2000 plus years as witchcraft.