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Atheists have the highest rate of suicide while Muslims have the lowest.

other major faiths such as Buddhism Christianity and Hinduism are between those two.
Source : university of Cambridge research and other sources off the internet.
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I think Muslim countries have low suicide rates in general because those adherent to Islam fear the afterlife consequences of going straight to hell. For many though it's the social construction, because the family support is very strong. Most come from large families and rarely feel lonely in the true sense of the word.

ولكن عندي واحد التساؤل اختي

اذا انتحر الإنسان تحت تأثير الضغوط النفسية الهائلة و الاكتئاب الشديد لماذا يذهب إلى النار؟
حتى التفكير في هذا الحالة لا يكون سليم أو سويّ
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@SW-User Thank you. Yes I agree. Family plays a big role and I assume muslims have a large joint family structure.
And suicide in Islam
Is a great sin

How are the extremists able to persuade suicide bombers that it is not a sin and that they won't go to hell?

JestAJester · 31-35, M
yeah so? Is this propaganda to coerce them into taking up islam? Its not very convincing
@Islamreligion Science is a method, not a position. As it’s completely neutral, it also has the annoying habit of working. Religion is magic first. You must believe in magic to accept the religion.
You did not reply to any point I made and jumped to a whole another aspect.
I used your logic to reply to your statement
You said
science took us to the moon
And religions into buildings.
In other words science did us good and religions did us harm.
So I refuted you by saying anyone can push poison into honey and misuse anything
Even science and gave examples.
When you realized I made a point you changed your logic.
Anyways ,
Islam encourages science the first word that was revealed in the Quran is “read “
That’s why early history of Islam while churches demonized science Muslim empires praised and honored scholars and scientists
And that’s why words in Arabic such as academic mosque university etc share same root word.
I don’t see how my religion contradicts any confirmed scientific fact.
As for the existence of God or angels
Science so far cannot deny their existence
So you cannot use the science card to refute Islam.
Many people are both Muslims and scientists.
Give me a list to support your
Science vs Islam
Then we can start from there
Otherwise this convo is meaningless
@Islamreligion Never said anything about science vs specifically Islam.

The method of science requires physical evidence that is detectable, measurable, and testable. By anyone. It uses models to test claims and to make extra sure employs falsification. Never perfect, it’s just the best we have. Is there an alternative method that works equally as well?

In religion there is no methodology. For most a belief in magic actions and spells is required. Are there magical claims in the Bible? In the Koran? In the Book of Mormon? Where is the science first when the Scientific Method was devised during The Enlightenment?

I don’t know about you but I like truth. Truth demands to be tested.
Wow, here's some research saying suicide and suicide attempts are more common among the more religious

We aimed to examine the relationship between religion and suicide attempt and ideation. 321 depressed patients were recruited from mood-disorder research studies at the New York State Psychiatric Institute. Participants were interviewed using the SCID, Columbia University Suicide History form, Scale for Suicide Ideation, and Reasons for Living Inventory. Participants were asked about their religious affiliation, importance of religion, and religious service attendance. We found that past suicide attempts were more common among depressed patients with a religious affiliation (OR 2.25, p=.007). Suicide ideation was greater among depressed patients who considered religion more important (Coeff. 1.18, p=.026), and those who attended services more frequently (Coeff. 1.99, p=.001). We conclude that the relationship between religion and suicide risk factors is complex, and can vary among different patient populations. Physicians should seek deeper understanding of the role of religion in an individual patient’s life in order to understand the person’s suicide risk factors more fully.

And this research reports a HIGHER rate of suicide attempts among Muslims in the US vs other religions in the US


“Global differences in geography, religion and other societal factors are associated with sex differences in mortality from suicide: An ecological study of 182 countries”
That is much more academic reliable and accurate study as it’s Cambridge based.
Muslims are a minority in the USA where they are heavily discriminated against due to 9/11 so the one you picked is not the best study.

Socioeconomic Development, Suicide and Religion: A Test of Durkheim's Theory of Religion and Suicide:

“Not only did the Muslims have the lowest suicide rate (2.1 per 100,000 population), but the rate was less than half that of the next lowest group, Burghers and Eurasians (4.8). “
Many of the well known atheist authors and their books stated that the main reason they wrote was because of 9/11. Also you misquoted me.
Now you jumped to another topic again
Which is the source of my info in my post ?
Anyways ,
Most statistics showed me same result.

moreover ,
amongst others.
@Islamreligion Now I’m really confused. What do all these numbers mean? How about agnostics and other people that just don’t specifically declare a religion?
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@BlueSkyKing This may be of interest... t’s actual research rather than an unattributed picture 😀

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@BlueSkyKing @JestAJester
When you Two can articulate your opinions and questions in a civilized manner
Then you are both welcome back in my thread any time
Otherwise please take your ridicule and rage somewhere else
Because your comments will keep getting deleted.
Plz check my bio for rules.

Thank you for understanding have a good day.
RedBaron · M
Why does this matter, and how do anyone's suicide rates affect you?
A humble query, sister. Why should religion or faith define suicide rate?
Is that order from highest to lowest?
What makes Muslims have the lowest suicide rate acording to you ?
1/“Why should religion or faith define suicide rate? “
It shouldn’t necessarily.
Tomorrow suicide could be more common amongst Muslims although the scripture condemns it.
After all Muslims do not equal Islam. Not all Muslims follow Islam or all it’s teachings correctly.
2/“Is that order from highest to lowest?“
Atheists are highest Muslims are lowest.
As for
Buddhism Christianity and Hinduism they are between those two however I forgot these 3 exact order.
3/“What makes Muslims have the lowest suicide rate acording to you ?“
Just as I pointed out in point 1
The statistics could change tomorrow
However it is just an interesting statics I found and wanted to share as I thought it sheds light to something
contrary to perhaps the common belief .
@Islamreligion Thank you for the detailed response. I appreciate it. Based on that one query from my side..
Tomorrow suicide could be more common amongst Muslims although the scripture condemns it.
After all Muslims do not equal Islam. Not all Muslims follow Islam or all it’s teachings correctly.
Does this mean that currently it is the Muslims who are more religious than others, hence the suicide rate is less. Going forward it is forecasted that more muslims won't follow Islam and the suicide rate will increase.
If I am not wrong all faiths listed condemns suicide. So only reason why suicide rate is lesser based on faith should be that percentage of religious people are more in Islam. Is my understanding correct ?
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
Interesting. People who believe in fairies and Santa Claus have a low rate of depression, too.
deadgerbil · 26-30, M
What about Islam specifically do you think causes a lower suicide rate
Zonuss · 46-50, M
Maybe they are more prone to depression.
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
Who needs suicide when you're already living in hell
Pardon me ?
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
@Islamreligion Allah declares suicide to be haram in one part of the Quran but then when it comes to doubting Mohammad, Allah encourages suicide:

Quran 22:15:

Whoever thinks that Allah will not help His Prophet in this world and the Hereafter, let them stretch out a rope to the ceiling and strangle themselves, then let them see if this plan will do away with ˹the cause of˺ their rage.
You said :
“ Who needs suicide when you're already living in hell”
Then when I asked for an elaboration on your statement you jumped to an entire different point instead of elaboration.

Anyways my dear,
As for the point you made regarding verse 22:15
It actually has two legit different explanations amongst scholars.
why? Because the original Arabic word in the verse is “sama “ which translates into English to sky /heaven or ceiling so it is either :
1/ if you (disbelievers and hypocrites) think that God will not support his prophet and you have enormous envy and hatred towards him and the revelation that comes down to him in your heart then attempt to strangle yourself from the ceiling of your home
Then in that situation check does that remove your rage ? Obviously not they are suffocating . Meaning no matter what you do even if you go to that extent , your rage will not hinder the aid of God to his prophet or for your rage to be extinguished.
It is metaphoric and in no way it encourages suicide it actually does the opposite effect.
Especially where there is a clear verse in the Quran prohibiting suicide.

2/ the second opinion which is also legit is that the word sama refers to the actual and literal sky
so the verse means “if you can” then climb up the sky and cut off the revelation of God from being sent down to his prophet
(Obviously you can’t )

Some English translations like the one you used stressed the first point
Some translations stresses the second point
So both are accepted by scholars and the verse could mean “either “
Wether 1 or 2
So Your argument isn’t factual.
But wether 1 or 2
The main point is the same
Wether you attempt to hang yourself or climb up the sky to cut off revelation
(Which both is metaphoric )
It is saying that that is not the solution.
It is literally in the context of dispraise.

Have a wonderful day 💕

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