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Are all the folks who get annoyed about foreigners having opinions on American politics the same lot who are swiping at the Queens funeral?

Sad times, you’re not the headline news for a week. Have a tissue. And considering the amount of Americans, Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders and people from the commonwealth and beyond who are in the queue to pay their respects, respect for the Queen is not just a Brit thing.

Have a slice of cake.🙂

Piper · 61-69, F
Many of them are. They will berate...demean most any individual from another country who voices an opinion about anything concerning the 'United' States, if it differs from theirs.

Also, many of those same people who've said really crappy things about Queen Elizabeth's death and all the attention and reverence given to the sad event? They have a whole lot to say about not just members of the British royalty, but also your elected officials and politics in general. 🧐
Many of the posts I see about our politics are not initiated by us, but from those in other countries. Some times their assessments are spot on The only times I have an issue is when they’re just stereotypes and mean-spirited.
I admit I acknowledged the Queen’s passing, but I was respectful, because I’ve always admired her.
A lot of people around the world noted how ERII's passing is the true end of an amazing era.

We even have some idiots talking about how she committed war crimes, etc. They don't understand you haven't had an absolute monarch for quite some time...and that there IS a "British constitution", but it's NOT a single document...lol
Hypocrites on the internet eh?
ArcticDave · M
The queen was an alternative to grimy politicians. Maybe they don’t like her because she reminded them of what they should be.
Keeper · M
I don’t think it’s cool to put any culture or country in a box or stereotype unless you spent time personally immersed in that culture.
they fail to see the flow on effects of american policies.
america sneezes. australia gets a cold..
dontbekoi · 36-40, F
I have not heard one person on this site swiping the queen.

I have only heard people concerned about the cost during these economic times.

And you don't have to tell me to get a tissue, I have been crying for a week.
@dontbekoi i did.... but he stopped when i asked him to.
dontbekoi · 36-40, F
@InOtterWords Good because that was an ignorant thing to do.
Most Americans have been very supportive over our grief, even those that do not like the monarchy
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
Preach sister
Carissimi · F
Ten days is too long.
@Carissimi Tough shit peasant.
Carissimi · F
Your wonderful British manners are on show ... troll. @ShellSeeker
@Carissimi I’m just pointing out that your opinion to the monarchy is irrelevant…troll 😘
Lostpoet · M
😔the only time the sun ever set on the British empire
DDonde · 31-35, M
No, I've stayed quiet about it precisely for that reason
@DDonde A man of principles. I respect that. 🙂
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@Carla A thoughtful response. Thank you. 🙂
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Lostpoet · M
@swirlie I can read I was just making an observation.
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