Biden tells congressional leaders that Ukraine, COVID are priorities.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -U.S. President Joe Biden on Tuesday said that securing funding for Ukraine and COVID-19 are his priorities before Republicans take control of the House of Representatives early next year.
Biden held talks with Democratic and Republican leaders of the House of Representatives and the Senate on what can be done in the remaining weeks when Democrats still control both chambers.
Republicans won a narrow majority in the House in the Nov. 8 midterm elections and will take over in January, complicating Biden's agenda for the next two years. Biden's Democrats retained control of the Senate.
Biden said as the leaders began their talks that he wanted to discuss "what we're going to do between now and Christmas in terms of legislation."
He said funding more military assistance for Ukraine, an objective that House Republicans have talked about stalling when they take over in January, is a priority as well as funding measures to combat the coronavirus pandemic.
Biden has a penchant for letting his mouth get him into areas of uncertainty and confusion, such as when he made the statement on 60 minutes in September that the “ pandemic is over”. Either in his mind it was over, and in his health advisor’s minds it was not? Funding for Ukraine while Russian missiles rain down on Ukraine cities and populations? What’s going on with that aid? Even the Europeans are alleging his administration is war profiteering. The man needs to be sent out via the 25th Amendment .
How much money has been sent to Ukraine? How much of that money was actually used for military purposes? How much was skimmed by Ukrainian oligarchs and corrupt US politicians through the crypto exchange? Last ditch effort to line people's pockets? Will Congress actually be able to audit the money trail? Or will this result in yet another "investigation" that never goes anywhere?
According to Biden the man who said the Covid pandemic was over, now asks for more funding? And there is much being asked by not only Americans, but Europeans too, as to what exactly is going on with the funding (more being asked by Biden) for Ukraine.
@Morvoren Whoever holds those views, so be it. Perhaps Americans look at what is in front of them on a daily basis and do not necessary believe it will benefit the nation, whereas other Americans do, ergo the political machine gets involved. And as far as “ rights”, that too depends on who you talk to and ask them about the “ rights” they want to hold on to or fear losing. Our system is pretty much based on our relation to England, but has evolved.
@Morvoren "What about my rights" lol Every country in the world either HATES Americans or whines "Where are the Americans to fight our wars for us?" WAHHHH while they ban guns for their own people MAKES SENSE