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Poll: how many regret taking the vaccine

Poll - Total Votes: 133
I took it and I regret it
I took it and I don't regret it
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It's clear by now that the vaccine doesn't work, was a scam, and causes lots of health issues

Did you take it because you drank the liberal Kool aid?
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CestManan · 46-50, F
The reason people are skeptical about the vaccine is because Farci or Science or whoever is preaching it just cannot seem to get their story straight about who covid-19 effects the most, or how you might die from it or might have no symptoms, or how big business can stay open but small ones had to close, or when restaurants opened you had to wear a mask until you got to your table (the hell?)...

Or how they kept going into lockdowns then not, or mask mandates back and forth...

Someone would have to be a down's syndrome having Alzheimer's MORON to not see that the powers were just jerking people around.

But yeah so they played all these games and by the time the vaccine came out, people were like, "Oh BS".
Redstar · 36-40, M
@CestManan I remember when they were big on social distancing and many small business had to close down but hair dressers did not. So... we gotta stay away from people but it's perfectly okay to let people TOUCH you.
The contradictions alone are enough to raise suspicion.
@Redstar @CestManan Wrong again. The reason persons like yourselves are skeptical is that you are not paying attention. Not once did the United States have a single successful "lockdown," as you insist on calling it, because you lot refused to cooperate, thus sabotaging them.

So... we gotta stay away from people but it's perfectly okay to let people TOUCH you.
That is a lie. You are deliberately ignoring that once again, imbeciles such as yourself refused to cooperate with the quarantines, and threw temper tantrums in the street demanding to be allowed to have haircuts, as though the world would otherwise end. The sane persons in this country have thrown up their hands and allowed you lunatics to have your day.
Redstar · 36-40, M
"lockdown," as you insist on calling it
...Because that's what they call it 🤨We didn't make it up, that's just the name. Are you just trolling or have you seriously never heard of that? Because it's been a common thing said in both mainstream media and reliable sources.
The lockdown in my state was successful. 0 cases reported consistently until the boarders opened to the double vaxxed, then it suddenly went up to over 900 in almost a week. It probably reached over a thousand by the end of the week but I'm not sure.
It's almost as if the vaccinated people can spread it and the vaccine does fuck all to stop people getting sick. No vaccine has ever been 100% effective but it's also true that no vaccine has been this pathetic at defending people.

If it was a lie, then why were hair dressers here remaining open while other businesses were closed due to covid? That isn't even a conspiracy theory, it's just what happened. Maybe it didn't happen everywhere across the entire world but it happened.
You might want to stop lumping people together, because I never refused to cooperate with anything. I never got covid so I didn't have to quarantine but I was prepared for it if it came to that. And I wore a mask when "necessary". I have no interest in causing problems for anyone. Things are already more than bad enough.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@CestManan Scientists have never claimed that covid disproportionally affects anyone other than the elderly. That was true at the beginning of covid, and it is true now. The data have been available since early on for anyone to examine for themselves. The fact you didn't pay attention or understand it is on you. No one else.

What did happen is that as more people got covid, more people in different age groups got covid, and people of all ages died and got long covid. But you were more likely to die in your 80s than in your 70s, in your 70s more than your 60s, in your 50s more than your 40s, etc.

If you actually paid attention, you wouldn't be confused.
CestManan · 46-50, F
No vaccine has ever been 100% effective but it's also true that no vaccine has been this pathetic at defending people.
(slow clap) Now we know the rest of the story.
CestManan · 46-50, F
@windinhishair I usually keep the TV on for background noise. It seems to me that they kept changing their story about who it affected most.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@CestManan I don't know who "they" are, in addition, one thing wonderful about science is that as data accumulates, a scientist may change their hypothesis and that may lead to more discoveries. COVID, like many other illnesses, has disproportionately affected certain populations. Some of that is related to access of care, some to chronic illnesses and some purely age. Evidence to support that increases daily.
CestManan · 46-50, F
@samueltyler2EDIT - "they" being the media

Everything we are brought to believe in this life is Bull. Why is this pandemic any different?

Of course they keep changing their story and say "Science is evolving."

It just reminds me of when my son was a kid and would try to BS his way out of trouble and would say, "I am really going to tell the truth this time."
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@CestManan I feel sorry for you. You have no one to trust. That is very sad. I hope that you never need help from anyone, because you are too paranoid to accept anyone's advice.
Fairydust · F
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Fairydust I have watched his videos before. He raises some valid points, and I agree that there should be an investigation of the excess deaths that have been observed. I am sure that this is already ongoing, at least in the US. There is one most likely candidate as the source of the excess deaths --covid. This would be in line with what happened after the swine flu epidemic in 2009. An evaluation of the excess deaths that followed the epidemic concluded that the swine flu, not surprisingly, was the cause of the excess deaths, and the epidemic death toll was raised accordingly after the fact.

You may well be thinking that this points to the vaccines as a cause of excess deaths. This is possible though much less likely for several reasons. One is the information I provided above and the experience with past epidemics. Another is that there are very few deaths that have been directly attributed to the vaccines themselves, even in the databases specifically maintained for the purpose of identifying adverse events. The third is that comparatively little is known about the effects of long covid, which is estimated to affect about four times as many people who have died from covid, or more.

A good study should be able to sort out all of these issues and give a pretty good indication of the reason for the excess deaths being observed, and the prognosis for future excess deaths. Keep an eye out for these studies. This is how science works.
Fairydust · F
Another is that there are very few deaths that have been directly attributed to the vaccines themselves

Not what I see when I’m looking into it, many are dying from the vaccine.

windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Fairydust These excess deaths haven't been tied to the vaccines. That's precisely why a study is needed, to determine the root cause. As I pointed out, it is far more likely to be related to covid than the vaccines, but studies will sort that out.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@windinhishair the deaths are considered excess because they are, some have no diagnoses and stay unexplained, but, we have also seen a dramatic rise in overdose and vehicular crash deaths, that are unexplained. In the US, we still see almost 500 deaths everyday attributed to covid. I know there are those who do not believe that, and I won't bother to try to argue with them. Physicians and medical circumstances examiners are bound by laws to file correct death certificates. There are also deaths that occur in young, apparently healthy, young individuals who are discovered to have myopathies or congenital cardiac anomalies at autopsy. As a medical student I was struck by the amount of disease people had and never knew about, that we found at autopsy.
The bottom line, epidemiologically, is that there is no evidence of a casual link between an increase in unexplained, or unexpected deaths and immunizations. One could also look at the rise in use of mail order purchasing and unexpected deaths. Guess what, look at Amazon sales and deaths. The temporal apparent comparison doesn't prove causality.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@samueltyler2 Well put. The lack of a causal link to vaccinations is what I was driving at. Occam's Razor strongly suggests that covid is the root cause, but that will take time to establish.

A good friend of mine died of a heart attack in eighth grade. He got off the school bus and died walking to his front door after school. Autopsy established heart issues as the cause.
CestManan · 46-50, F
You have no one to trust. That is very sad. I hope that you never need help from anyone, because you are too paranoid to accept anyone's advice.

Yes that is correct. I am basically alone in the world. I have family but they are several states away.
It has nothng to do with some pandemic
@CestManan They were not "playing games", as you pretend. Science consists of making reasonable guesses, then testing them to see if they work. Trial and error.
CestManan · 46-50, F
@CorvusBlackthorne I still want to know why the pandemic just vanished overnight. No one seems to know or even question that one.
@CestManan It has not. What liar told you it did? My roommate, Shadowfire, caught it at the very end of June, from accidental contact with another 7-Eleven customer, well after you lot pretend the pandemic "disappeared".
CestManan · 46-50, F
@CorvusBlackthorne Okay look, maybe you are not able to get out a whole lot, I understand that.
Thing is, masks, lockdowns, stores limiting how many people go in, vax passports, you just do not see any more of that anymore. Right about January it all just vanished like a fart in the wind.
@CestManan I am aware that people are treating it as though it never existed. That is not the same thing.
CestManan · 46-50, F
@CorvusBlackthorne What I do not get is how or why. My guess is that companies decided it was costing them too much money and what not. We know greed is the real pandemic.
Ream my ass for saying this if you wish but I am glad to see it go.
@CestManan You are wrong, as usual. The reason is that persons in authority grew tired of you lot crying and throwing a tantrum every time they attempted to contain the disease, so they gave up.
CestManan · 46-50, F
You are wrong, as usual.

I was reading a thread about something unrelated and the notification came up with that. I started laughing and thinking, "Here comes Corvus again" 😄

They would not just give up their stranglehold that easily though.
Fairydust · F
[image deleted]

32 pages!
