There is one thing I'm realizing I can't sit through movies and tvIt is tension. I'm watching through Breaking Bad for the first time and the tension of Walt's lies unfolding in front of Skyler has me watching through my fingers
Children's TV programmesWhat are your favourite children's TV shows that you watched as an adult. I was thinking about programmes I watched with my children but I'm sure that's not the case for everyone. (1)
the fantastic four trailerhave you seen it? what do you think? it looks good to me. i love the soundtrack. (1)
Hide and SeekHide and Seek I cant even fathom the idea of loving you again The thought actually makes me sick You think I'd be ever foolish enough to trust you to make me happy all you know is destruction & I no longer need to be destroyed I found my worth in... See More »
When someone tries to teach you things you already know and do it in an entitled and shaming sort of way...Well, some people got worried. For me. They actually got worried for me, I'm so touched. But as for the guy who "tried" to teach, I didn't even realize he was worth being bothered with. I've met bigger assholes. And well, I can be nastier if I wanna... See More »
Philippians 2:12 is often misinterpreted. Works do not "maintain" our salvation. Performance has nothing to do with salvation.The verse "work out your salvation with fear and trembling" (Philippians 2:12) is often misinterpreted as meaning a constant, terror-stricken fear of God, which is not the intended meaning; the "fear" here refers more to a deep reverence and respect... See More »