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SmileOnYourBrother Best Comment
I'm disqualified. I don't hate anyone on SW. Hating implies that I care.
Fishy · 36-40, F
@SmileOnYourBrother I know you care, deep down 😶
@Fishy True, but girl, you gotta dig pretty deep. lol. Thank you for BC.🤗
rinkydinkydoink · M
The blocking machine TxCk represents Texas well.
noexpectations1 · 41-45, M
@rinkydinkydoink she(?) Has lovely AI pictures too....
rinkydinkydoink · M
I will NOT be one of the doubters about whether or not she is a he or not. Although...
I will NOT be one of the doubters about whether or not she is a he or not. Although...
Lilymoon · F
She has a lovely personality. Yeah I lied. Sorry. 🤮 lol
Kiesel · 56-60, M
I hope one day they can get off the nasty drugs
greensnacks · 31-35, F
I don't hate anyone, that's a strong emotion reserved for people that used to matter. I'm glad to say I'm not hating on anyone. That being said, I'm mildly annoyed by people and I usually block them.
To say something positive - at least they're alive.
To say something positive - at least they're alive.
Cheesecake · 61-69, M
I'm positive I hate them! 🤪
Just kidding. I don't hate anyone on here. If they're not my cup of coffee (I don't drink tea, despite being a proper Englishman) I just don't interact with them and if they offend me, I block 'em. End of. 🙃
Just kidding. I don't hate anyone on here. If they're not my cup of coffee (I don't drink tea, despite being a proper Englishman) I just don't interact with them and if they offend me, I block 'em. End of. 🙃
They stick to their convictions despite all compelling evidence to the contrary
Ducky · 31-35, F
At least they stay out of my way, as I do with them.
They crazy af but also the most passionate and wholesome person I've met online.
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Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
Just like her username she ejaculates hate really well toward people like me
swirlie · 31-35, F
Excellent choice of descriptive expression, Jenny!
The word 'ejaculate' is the singularly least used word in the English language, which means the same thing even if presented in two entirely different contexts.
To ejaculate words means to suddenly blurt them out, often expressed in association with uncontrollable anger, but most often heard in the form of a single word with an exclamation mark that follows, such as the word "Indeed!" spoken by someone in response, after listening to someone else's remarks.
The words "blurt out" and "ejaculate" have the same associated literary meaning, but the word 'ejaculate' is usually reserved to describe a person who vehimently 'spits words' in rapid succession when they become enraged with anger, as you've pointed out with someone's vehiment expression of hatred toward people.
Excellent choice of descriptive expression, Jenny!
The word 'ejaculate' is the singularly least used word in the English language, which means the same thing even if presented in two entirely different contexts.
To ejaculate words means to suddenly blurt them out, often expressed in association with uncontrollable anger, but most often heard in the form of a single word with an exclamation mark that follows, such as the word "Indeed!" spoken by someone in response, after listening to someone else's remarks.
The words "blurt out" and "ejaculate" have the same associated literary meaning, but the word 'ejaculate' is usually reserved to describe a person who vehimently 'spits words' in rapid succession when they become enraged with anger, as you've pointed out with someone's vehiment expression of hatred toward people.
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
@Jenny1234 (Takes out thesaurus)
HobNoblin · 36-40, M
I don't have any I hate. It's just the internet. People come on here and troll their ass off. Mostly it's an act to get some laughs.
SpudMuffin · 61-69, M
His name includes the name of a popular biscuit.
Secretsmile · 51-55, F
They look so good on my block list.
JohnOlinger81 · 41-45, M
nah dont think I can lol
Sevendays · M
They lie really well.
SomeMichGuy · M
...they are passionate
Lilnonames · F
They are blocked and now I like them haha
SandWitch · 26-30, F
I don't actually hate anyone on SW, not even those who pretend to be church parishioners, yet talk like drunken longshoremen on shore leave with too much money in their pocket anytime they post, nor do I hate those on SW who respond to every post with praying hands.. 🙏🏻 ... even though they are not Church Ministers despite falsely claiming to be a Minister of Theology after receiving their self-acklaimed credential through the Stevens Ministry which actually has no affiliation to the study of Theology itself.
I do not hate loud mouthed, self-centered female Brits who talk trash about their country's government while constantly challenging anyone who believes in Darwin's Theory of Evolution, despite moving their sorry British asses to Australia to get away from UK and all it's misgivings, yet still can't avoid talking trash about the British government from 6000 miles away and unable shake the insatiable need of comparing UK to what they now live under in Australia.
Unfortunately, I am unable to contribute anything of relevance to your post, so I'll just move on from here.
I do not hate loud mouthed, self-centered female Brits who talk trash about their country's government while constantly challenging anyone who believes in Darwin's Theory of Evolution, despite moving their sorry British asses to Australia to get away from UK and all it's misgivings, yet still can't avoid talking trash about the British government from 6000 miles away and unable shake the insatiable need of comparing UK to what they now live under in Australia.
Unfortunately, I am unable to contribute anything of relevance to your post, so I'll just move on from here.