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California Is At It Again With More Gun Control Insanity

It's a new wrinkle on an old play out of the gun grabbers playbook. Newsom signed a new law that allows residents, the state and local governments to sue members of the firearms industry that manufacture or sell "abnormally dangerous guns." And guess what this law fails to define? Abnormally dangerous guns, of course. Yep...gotta keep that part vague as the object isn't for the plaintiff to win its lawsuit. The object is for the gov't to inflict as much financial damage on the firearm industry as possible.

But it gets better. The abnormally dangerous law expands its scope beyond California's border. The article provides the following example:
"...a Tennessee company that manufacturers guns that are legal in its state but that meet California's definition of "abnormally dangerous" could still face liability under the law even its products were shipped to nearby Arizona and used later to commit a crime in California."

U.S. District Judge Andrew Schopler, who ironically happens to be a Biden appointee, issued a preliminary injuction, barring a lawsuit. Not because it violates the 2nd Amendment, of course, but because it interferes with interstate commerce.

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sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
Demonocrats are an "abnormously dangerous weapon"
@sunsporter1649 well said!
IronHamster · 56-60, M

Maybe they should pass laws allowing victims families to sue the real enemy.
4meAndyou · F
@graphite Except dismantling the FBI is on that list of the 45 things Communists want to do to destroy America...the list that was read in the Congressional record in 1966.
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@IronHamster You nailed it. People are being radicalized to commit mass shootings. It's why the number of trans shooters is so high.
graphite · 61-69, M
California and the Democrat Party are dead-set against the Bill of Rights. We know that.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@graphite yes we do
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Why not stiffer murder laws?
graphite · 61-69, M
@MrBrownstone Democrats are determined to reduce crime by letting criminals go, convicting them of lesser charges or convicting them of nothing at all. See: Steinle, Kate, murdered by illegal alien who gets acquitted of all charges in Democrat-owned Frisco.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@MrBrownstone Exactly. They don’t want that idea floating out there do they?
Adrift · 61-69, F
What is Hollywood going to do without their guns?
@Adrift not accidentally shoot the director
If someone makes 1x law repugnant to the constitution, not only should they be removed from office, but arrested also..
This Newscum fella.. like 100 times now..
No law can stop a B A R!!
@NaughtyPickle Gotta love the .30-06
IronHamster · 56-60, M
@BritishFailedAesthetic I'm nowhere near there. As a British slave, you are probably as close to Virginia as I am.
graphite · 61-69, M
@BritishFailedAesthetic Is Britain still working on knife control and stopping acid attacks? Dangerous place now, the UK.

asti.or.uk -
How many acid attacks in the UK per year?
United Kingdom

The UK now has the highest number of recorded attacks in the world, with a 69% rise in the number of attacks in 2022. Acid attacks peaked in 2017, with 941 recorded cases.
@graphite Ofcourse we are.
Ohhhno how dare they try to do something to try and keep crazy people from getting these insane weapons 😨
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
@IronHamster Gee, then how come tens of millions of people, including me, have had the Covid vaccine and are perfectly healthy.
IronHamster · 56-60, M
@badminton Lots of people that got the vaccine did still get it and did still spread it. Your apparent health does not contradict these facts, now, does it.
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
@IronHamster No they didn't.
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IronHamster · 56-60, M
@BizSuitStacy When it gets to SCOTUS, it will be ruled as opposing Federal law, and the plaintiffs will end up with the legal bills for both sides.
This is real gun control.
Beretta 92FS 9mm
Bersa Thunder .380ACP
@IronHamster I was so close to buying a vg condition Chinese SKS for $89 in Las Vegas back in 2006 at Big 5, but I didn't trust my late ex fiancee's son, who lived with us as an adult, I'd still have it to this day, they also had a Vietnam era Fulton Armory M1A in 7.62NATO, with four 20 round mags, for $350 in vg condition, I am still kicking myself.
IronHamster · 56-60, M

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