bijouxbroussard these are fanatics as they are in that part of the world. There's only the difference of degree.
Why are these states legal marriage age so young,
NOW ? When it's illegal to even drink at these ages there?
Alabama 16
Alaska 16
Arizona 16
Colorado 16
Connecticut 16
Idaho 16
Illinois 16
Indiana 16
Iowa 16
Louisiana 16
Maine 16
Missouri 16
Montana 16
New Hampshire 16
North Carolina 16
North Dakota 16
South Carolina 16
South Dakota 16
Texas 16
Utah 16
Virginia 16
West Virginia 16
Wisconsin 16
Wyoming 16
Hawaii 15
Kansas 15
Note: most of these, with the exception of four, are conservative states.
These are kids getting pregnant and condoned by law through marriage of parental consent.
What's the difference in Afghanistan other perhaps a couple of years younger? The parental consent is required there as well.