Just saw a Desantis campaign ad where Trump is shown siding with the Democrats on gun control. That's not a good look for Trump! We need a leader who will defend the second amendment
Why? Why do we "need" a leader who'll defend the 2nd amendment? Did something happen to all the others?
Or...Or is it that you substitute your authentic manhood for a killing item I guarantee you don't know how to use well? Could it be you think guns make you tough and strong?
I tell you what? Explain to us what the 14th amendment states and how it's been interpreted. Or the 6th. Or the 9th. When you learn your own US Constitution you can start dictating others.
So........really? This is what you find wrong with trump? Facing 34 felony counts on his FIRST indictment.......6 more Grand Juries to come. He's a convicted sexual abuser. Twice impeached........rated as the 3rd worst president in 240+ year and the list of OMFG's about him goes on for another mile.................but the thing is he said something about guns you don't like????????? And THAT is where you draw the line???? Wow.
All Presidents defend the Second Amendment, and the other parts of the Constitution. The current Supreme Court has ruled that the Second Amendment allows gun control measures. Please read Justice Scalia's majority opinion in the Heller v. DC ruling.
Just curious and this is coming from someone who lives in a country with very strict gun controls. Why is the second amendment so important to you Americans? I mean it was meant to keep the individual sovereign but all I see is America rushing off to start endless wars and have fraudulent elections and ..... Where is the sovereign citizen saying no to this evil? Then there is the whole social destruction of the US nation and nary a peep from the gun lovers. Amazing. So again what is so important about the 2nd Amendment if it is never used as intended?
@Stargazer89 Completely agree with you. The sad part is Americans don't seem to be defending any of their rights with few exceptions. Look at the 'hate speech' laws. You can't even tell a joke without someone retaliating.
@hippyjoe1955 ah the rise of cancel culture... those are generally the same people who are anti gun doing that shit. There are individuals and groups pushing against it but they don't the same media coverage because the media is in DNP pockets.
@YourMomsSecretCrush You must have been under a rock for YEARS. From the age of 21 until 2015 Trump was a registered Democrat. He contributed to Clinton......and every Dem prez for years. He ONLY ran for prez as a Repube when he listened to the hatred and rascim that a lot of America had for a black president on FOX..........and when he saw that hatred could be cashed in on he changed parties to run in 2016.
@BohemianBabe I think Trump has said he "hates abortion" before, but he was probably pro-choice in that he didn't really care one way or the other. Same with LGBT rights. But he knows which side his bread is buttered on with respect to the Evangelical community.
@LeopoldBloom Yeah, he doesn't have a strong stance on any of this stuff. He didn't care about abortion, but he was a New York celebrity, so he just sided with the pro-choice crowd. But now he's a Republican, so he helped overturn Roe v Wade.
@YourMomsSecretCrush Ted Cruz if a dick no matter what he tries. ;-) And Dildosantis won't have to worry aout beating trump. He won't make it past the primary.
I'm sorry Stargazer mate but I can't take you seriously, the below is probably a snapshot of how your mind works, definitely how marmee march's mind does: 🤪
Yeah I believe it. Trump sold out to the establishment. He gave me red flags the second I saw Matt Walsh talking about how he sided with Disney just to get a dig at DeSantis. If he's gonna side with the pedophile animation company just to give DeSantis the finger, then yeah I'd rather vote for Ron DeSantis instead.
@basilfawlty89 I mean they support sexualizing children, they've hired employees who have been caught and arrested for child trafficking, they still hire creepy employees that prey on children, etc. Not that the mainstream media will ever tell you any of that, because they're in the pockets of Disney and are their friends. If you did some research once in a while, you'd find things out.
@IWasCallingYaLarry Kudos for you............it's only taken you 7 years to catch on that trump is a 100% liar on everything and his only stand on anything is if it helps him personally. Boy you're a fast learner. ;-)