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City of New York in Deep Trouble


Mayor Adams is the new former Mayor Lightfoot and worse off, His Mayoral Administration is drowning in a Sea of his own Bull**** like Lori Lightfoot. New Yorkers have had it up to here with him!

The City of New York hired Eric Adams (and for that matter Bob Menendez) to do a Job and he's done nothing of the sort. Everytime I hear about this Man (much less Brandon Johnson), He's screwing up royally. It's God-Awful enough about his utter bunglings with respect to Migrants overcrowding the City and no one feels safe anymore, He makes Rudy Giuliani look competent! The only pathetic Defense he has for himself is that they’re attacking him because of the amount of Chocolates in his Administration, Honestly, that's his Defense?!

New York City residents can't take this anymore, these scandals can't continue! At some point, the calls will grow louder for him to either Resign or be Fired. I don't see how Mayor Adams can possibly be effective to govern the City in and of itself and deal with the City's Real Problems.

How's all the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion working out for New Yorkers?!
The problem with New Yorkers…they keep voting Democrat but perhaps they’re not astute enough to realize voting Democrat over and over and expecting different results just isn’t going to happen . This is both at city and state levels.
@Crazywaterspring The voters in NYC and NY state have tasted and continue to taste the failures of a Democratic Governor and mayor(Adams) and a piss poor excuse for a city council;.
A point of interest: NYC; the better part of the tax burden and even Adams admitted it, is paid by the wealthy of NYC. But sooner or later the ones who keep that city and state afloat will have had enough and leave..
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@soar2newhighs why do you think the upper east side has its snow plowed first while outer boroughs are blanketed for days ?
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Broache73 · 46-50, F
The City of New York is on a Powder Keg with the Fuse ready to blow.

The Mayoral Administration has been compromised (to say the least) beyond belief especially those who had nothing to do with the mess that Mayor Adams presides over. Other City Officials are desperately distancing themselves as to not get caught up in the Web of Deceit, Thievery and Mendacity of that Administration. Breaking News; Someone else in the Mayor's Office has resigned!

When you don't do your homework and you hire People for Inclusion and Diversity instead of Competence and Knowledge, you set up the stage for the very Corruption unfolding before New Yorker's very eyes. If you're going hire Diverse People for these Jobs to help govern a City, you might want to make sure they're actually competent of the responsibility of that undertaking.
@Broache73 I re iterate it is the NYC voters at the root of the problem. If they continue to vote for Democrats then they will get what those politicians and the appointed bureaucrats want to do to the city under the guise of DEI.
And now him and his capos are under investigation for publicly calling out Bidens open borders…

No honour amid thieves
Broache73 · 46-50, F
The FDNY Fire Chiefs are now in it because of the Bribery Scandal. Calls are now starting to grow for him to get out while he can.

New York City residents can't take much more of this, and they’ve had enough! He's lost the confidence of other Leaders, the NYPD, and Taxpayers. He's run the City into the ground.
fun4us2b · M
@Broache73 What bribery scandal?? (FDNY)
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
@Broache73 But here's the problem:even if he does get chased out,the overwhelming probability is that he'll just be replaced with a person of similar ideology.Just look at the example of Lori Lightfoot.
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
New York just like Chicago has always been a political fiscal and judicial nightmare. That has been almost ever since the founding of those cities. There have been a couple of decent mirrors like Giuliani that have attempted treated up a little bit but the good old-fashioned crap feet forward from the sidewalk and forbids any efforts made. That is why I prefer smaller town or rural USA in my older days or at least an area with a good vibe
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@KingofBones1 agreed. And I lived in Manhattan when I was in my 30’s.
[@Broache73 zAdams is not the brightest mayor NYC has ever had. He does have a penchant for certain questionable connections to China (CCP) and those he now has in his administration in various positions. Here’s a new addition…His name is Tucker the newly appointed fire commissioner.
[image deleted]
akindheart · 61-69, F
wasn't someone in his administration fired for being CCP? she blocked anyone from Taiwan from getting to the mayor...plus money laundering
TheShanachie · 61-69, M
Migration = NYC and has been for 100s of years. Crowded conditions = NYC and has been for 100s of years.
fun4us2b · M
@TheShanachie Yup, all4 of my Grandparents in the 1920's through Ellis Island....
justanothername · 51-55, M
They had enough gumption to prosecute your cult leader so at lest they got that right.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Yes but he appointed a rat czar . Seriously , it’s looking like 3rd world nepotism here these days .
They would re elect him tomorrow, Its sad how politics rots the brain
Broache73 · 46-50, F
All I ask again is; How's all the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion working out for New York?!

When you hire People for these purposes, you can’t turn around and act surprised when you find out those same People couldn't run a Food Court, much less manage a City Government. Diversity and Equity are meaningless if New Yorkers are are equally Impoverished and Destitute.
JSul3 · 70-79
They should have elected Maya Wiley.
Musicman · 61-69, M
Fire these people and send a message to the Democrats and Kamala.
Spotpot · 41-45, M
@Musicman Republicans yes but not corrupt opponents to democarats and Kamela Harris preferebly republicans who are opposed to Trump.

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