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Southern US states are freer than UK

UK is an archaic country that still has a monarchy, laws that restrict free speech, a socialist dictator, a socialist civil service, extremely permissive abortion laws (some of the most extreme in the world), very unfair and regressive laws, and many other things wrong with it.

Have the British ever understood freedom?
Richard65 · M
This is hilarious. Thanks for the laugh.
Keir Starmer is a socialist dictator 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
We have a monarchy AND we have a socialist dictator and Civil Service 😄

There is plenty wrong with it. It's not socialist enough.
Richard65 · M
@emiliya does "exercising their right to protest" include attempting to burn down hotels with people still inside them...?
If the citizens are so angry at their government, then why do they attack asylum seekers and immigrants, the most vulnerable people in society? Why are those who attack immigrants the most loyal monarchists?
emiliya · 22-25, F
@Richard65 It is normal for groups to compete with one another, and when their existence and their lives are threatened, they will resort to violence. British believe their quality of life is being compromised and that their government is choosing to meet the needs of others over those of their native population. Are they paying their taxes to have fewer places to live and more crime? This is what immigration means. Protesters did attack police, and police are not civilians.

Why do you think asylum seekers and immigrants are the most vulnerable in society? They are no more vulnerable than a native who is equally poor. Our most vulnerable are children and the elderly. 75% of the people arriving in Britain on small boats are men over the age of 18, most of them young. Can you tell me what is vulnerable about them? Unless they are pregnant, a child, or very old, illegal migrants entering other countries are not “vulnerable” or the “most vulnerable.”

In 2016, UK voted to have less, not more, immigration to its country. What do you think Brexit was about? They were averse to both legal and illegal immigration. At least half of UK country has a strong view on this matter. Conservatives lost because they did not resolve this issue and have allowed it to become worse. This is, in part, due to the very progressive UK civil servants who appear to run the show. A more effective leadership would tell them to listen to what their country wants.

“Why are those who attack immigrants the most loyal monarchists?”

Are they? If you are right, I would not count on it remaining that way. Your queen is dead, and she isn't coming back.
Richard65 · M
@emiliya you're mistaken on a whole variety of issues, but you'll have to forgive me, I just live here and have done all my life. I actually live in the epicentre of immigration in an old post industrial northern town in England. You've swallowed most every piece of uninformed propaganda I can think of. But please continue to enjoy your delusions if they support your inherent bigotry. Cheers.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Do you think the hereditary monarchy (the same system under which Thatcherite neo-liberalism flourished) might somehow be responsible for our unfortunate descent into authoritarian socialism? 🙃
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
So? Is the implication here that we should be imprisoned for lies? What if the person making these comments or reposting this information believes it at the time?

People who spread misinformation that leads directly to harm or loss should of course be held criminally responsible for their actions. It is exactly the same principle as libel or slander. Millions of £s of damage was caused in the riots. Peoples' livelihoods were destroyed. Places of worship were attacked. Individual freedoms were violated by those practising or threatening violence.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Monarchies, Socialism, Communism, etc. may all sound different in theory, but in practice, there's little difference.

If you are low paid, homeless, sick, disabled, or otherwise dependent upon services provided by the state, I can tell you that there is a world of difference. This is real life, not political theory.
emiliya · 22-25, F
@SunshineGirl There is no “directly” here. Any impact was indirect, and that is being generous. If people are going to engage in violence, which we have been doing since we ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they will do it regardless of what others are saying on their private social media. They in all likelihood cannot even see or gain access to what others are posting. I thought we were supposed to be responsible for our actions? Can you really blame a person who posted or reposted a status update or meme on their facebook for all the violence taking place?

The middle aged love facebook, it is like their toy. We shouldn't deny them the right to say what they want on it. They should be allowed to express how they feel. Likewise, young men should be able to go out and shout at police if they want to.

“Peoples' livelihoods were destroyed.”

This is an exaggeration.

“Individual freedoms were violated by those practising or threatening violence.”

That's your view. If it is true, it's still not the fault of those using their phone or computer to make silly posts on social media. It has nothing to do with them.

To wildbill83, you said: “if you are low paid, homeless, sick, disabled, or otherwise dependent upon services provided by the state, I can tell you that there is a world of difference. This is real life, not political theory.”

Why is anyone homeless? Where are their families? If you encourage the family instead of undermining it and tearing it apart, you would have less homeless. I would never let my child be homeless. My children are my responsibility and that does not end when they are 18. Where are the families of the sick and disabled? Why can't we be supported by our family and community instead of the fascist state?

I can say that the groups you mention would probably have more funds were it not for the massive amount of resources spent on immigration and supporting migrants. Between 2022 and 2023, £4 billion alone was spent on operating your asylum system.
MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
Seems we have more freedom to me.
We are certainly not a socialist state, our Government is elected so are in no way dictators. Yes we have a monarchy but it's influence is minimal.
Yes we have a state run health service, state run education as examples of socialism but running in parallel to those there are private alternatives for those who choose to pay.
You can rent a home from the local government but the majority have private landlords, again no real signs if socialism there.
emiliya · 22-25, F
@MrAverage1965 Labor is a socialist party, which means you now have a socialist government. A dictator will limit free speech and impose penalties when people discuss issues and use language they dislike. Keir Starmer chose a side during the recent riots, and it is not the side of his fellow countrymen.

France has arrested Pavel Durov for owning a free speech platform that westerners have access to. Starmer in the UK wants the population to cease being human. We say bad things, we say true things, we say things when we feel like saying them, and some of what we say may be false without our knowledge. If people do not like what they hear, they can walk away. It is no concern of the government; they should not be restricting our speech. This has gone so far in UK that people are being arrested for mere speculation, speculation that is inevitable after a major event or news story. Is that what you support?
MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
@emiliya I think you will find the majority of the British population would agree with the Prime Minister when he spoke out against the riots. The murders in Southport were hijacked by the anti Muslim and racist minorities who saw it as an excuse to attack both Muslims and asylum seekers.
emiliya · 22-25, F
@MrAverage1965 80% of the British population did not vote Labor, either because they voted for other parties or did not vote at all. Whether they support the riots as they unfolded or not is irrelevant. We have to consider media portrayal of these riots, and how Britain perceives authority. Many still have respect for institutions like police. People generally do not want to see violence in the streets. However, it is very likely that those who do not want to see riots still have the same views as those rioting, which is less immigration and an end to illegal immigration. More than half of the British population believes that illegal migration is bad for the country. In 2017, a poll revealed that 47% wanted to stop Muslim migration. If every person in the UK was asked if they support migration from Muslim countries, what do you think they would say? You could expect hesitation from many, at the least.

Asylum seekers are mostly young males. Why do you think they are special?

“The murders in Southport were hijacked by the anti Muslim and racist minorities who saw it as an excuse to attack both Muslims and asylum seekers.”

This is purely speculative, but you have the right to say it. The murders of three little girls are going to be more significant than a desire to attack Muslims and asylum seekers. It seems to me that the anger was very genuine.
benJohnson99 · 18-21, M
ha ha you must be joking coming from a country that lets any nut job own a machine gun or semi automatic weapon go into a school kill loads of kids and you still dont ban guns glad we are free of that.
emiliya · 22-25, F
@benJohnson99 I am Russian, not American.

Governments allow their citizens to own guns when they respect their right to defend their body, their family, and their home. This is a controversial thought in socialist Britain. The British have to be supervised by their elites. Elites in Britain get to dictate how children are educated and raised, and decide which parents they have.

Have you seen the rates of stabbings in UK? It is still a violent country, guns or no guns.
benJohnson99 · 18-21, M
@emiliya Russian and you lecture us about freedom
emiliya · 22-25, F
@benJohnson99 Is it like someone from Britain saying USA is too violent?
Convivial · 26-30, F
Is that you Donald?🤔
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Abortion is totally legal here in UK or are you saying it should be banned.
emiliya · 22-25, F
@Gingerbreadspice “Freedom” is freedom from the state, not the state facilitating the mass killing of millions of unborn babies.
Ontheroad · M
I thought drug use in Russia was illegal... you be trippin'!
meJess · F
Permissive laws restrict freedom who knew.

Patriot Act!
Azlotto · M
I'm from Kentuuky y'all...I can watch TV fur free.
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