When particular communities are severely disadvantaged it usually results in higher rates of addiction, crime, health problems and mortality. The cheapest way to overcome these problems is to resolve the problems at their root by providing good education, healthcare, job opportunities and strongly discouraging racism.
There are three policies about how to reduce or end prejudice:
- zero tolerance for racist behaviours including micro slights,
- getting people to work and live together in mixed communities,
- and positive discrimination to assist the disadvantaged.
Left of centre thinking may choose to use any or all of these policies to varying degrees.
Perhaps the poor and disadvantage whites might feel jealousy and resentment if their feel that non-white areas of poverty are somehow privileged by getting more help -- but would they say the same if the help went to visibly disabled people.
If people haven't experienced what it's like to be on the receiving end of prejudice every day of your life, then they have no idea what disadvantage and marginalisation really means. One disadvantage is bad enough, but if you have two or more it gets far worse.