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“The Case for an American Constitutional Monarchy”

Poll - Total Votes: 21
America will become a constitutional monarchy with Donald Trump as king, and I want that
America will by become a constitutional monarchy with Donald Trump as king, but I don't want that
I want America to become a constitutional monarchy with Donald Trump as king, but it won't happen
America will not become a constitutional monarchy with Donald Trump as king, and I don't want it to
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“The argument is being made now in the United States that democracy has reached the end of its efficacy and usefulness. A rapidly growing number of Republicans and Christian Nationalists have seen the light and realize that our great nation has turned a corner.

“Our Lord God, in His wisdom and benevolence, has provided his faithful servants with a Divinely inspired leader who can finally transform our exceptional country into the nation it was always intended to be. This leader, sent and directed by God, is an outsider to the current political system, is disdainful of Washington's denizens and minions, and is the pure embodiment of truth, honesty, and selflessness that is required to purge our homeland of the scourge that infests our government at every level. Although merely human, and so inherently flawed, this leader is as close to Perfection as any human is capable of being under God's continued guidance and inspiration. As God's chosen vessel, our One True Leader is unimpeachable and above reproach, and His name is Donald Trump. My faithful and pious brothers and sisters, we are witnessing biblical prophecy manifest in our lifetimes. This is a Divine privilege and obligation beyond measure.

“We all have a Sacred Duty to listen and adhere to the words and dictates of our One True Leader. And He has spoken clearly and often. This is some of what He has said:

1. “The Democratic Party is comprised overwhelmingly of 'sleazy,' 'horrible people' who want to tear our country apart.
2. “Democrats are not capable of winning any election unless they lie, cheat and commit fraud. If a Democrat wins, it is only due to a rigged election. Otherwise, there would be absolutely no Democrats in office. Anywhere. (This particular point is incredibly important, and something that our One True Leader, Donald Trump, has been repeatedly trying to teach us for years.)
3. “These Servants of Satan, these Democrats, have been poisoning government since our nation's founding, and they will never willingly give up their power. There is no act of evil Democrats are unwilling to commit, nothing too vile or Unholy, to stay in power and occupy offices that should always have been graced by loyal members of the One True Party.

“His message is clear to all who can see and hear. Donald Trump is telling us that there is no need for elections anymore. There is no need for more than one party. Democrats are evil and irredeemable. Many are not even human; they are demons in human form and need to be destroyed. The Democratic party must be eliminated and erased from our great Nation’s governing institutions, as well as our culture, history and memory.

“We know that Donald Trump does not lie. He speaks only the truth. That one shining Axiom can serve as our guiding principle in the difficult days ahead as we fight this Holy War. When we are troubled by doubt and indecision, tempted by our enemies’ lies and deceitful distractions, we must simply remember the words and dictates of our One True Leader. Anything and everything he says is Truth and inspired by our Lord God. We can and must believe in him without reservation and with all our hearts minds and souls. If we just remember this one irrefutable fact, that Donald Trump is the earthly embodiment of Truth and Goodness, we will prevail and destroy our enemies.

“How do we know our enemies? It is very easy. Whoever speaks against Donald Trump serves Satan. No further thought need be given to this plain and simple fact. All who refuse to accept Donald Trump as our Divinely inspired One True Leader must be eliminated from society and erased from our collective memories.

“So what is next? We know beyond any doubt that democracy is no longer necessary. This system of human governance was a flawed and awkward amalgam of distasteful compromises in order to hold us together as a nation until we could break free from the chains of our enemies. That time has come.

“With Democrats banned from our society and eventually cast from this Earth, there's no need for the people to “choose" a leader. He has already been provided for us by God. There will be no dissenting views that contradict those of our One True Leader. There will be no Truth except that declared by Donald Trump. And there is no human on the planet who can usurp Donald Trump's place as God's vessel on Earth.

“What follows is inevitable and preordained. Donald Trump is the government, and the government is Donald Trump. We are seeing the birth of a constitutional monarchy, in which Donald Trump will soon be crowned as America's sovereign. He will then write a new American Constitution, which will be recognized the world over as the literal word of God. Divinely inspired, He alone will determine His successor, and His Majesty's Legacy will endure for millennia. His reign is destined to be awesome and glorious. And His people, those who survive and accept Him, will hold dominion over the Earth. Eventually, all will bow before Him!”

So how many people are in line with what I just copied and pasted here? Are you guys on board for this? Do you think it makes sense? Do you agree with the three points that Donald Trump makes? Or do you think it's crazy?
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ArishMell · 70-79, M
What did you copy that from?

As a foreigner it's not for me to take sides, but to a foreigner it reads as satire, not serious proposal! Though it is concerning and saddening to look from afar at a democratic country apparently creating the sort of very anti-freedom factionalism lampooned in that passage.

Apart from that, it's certainly amusing for its sheer naivety:

"King Trump" 's
new American Constitution,... recognized the world over as the literal word of God.

Including, presumably, by the Saudis, Iranians, Israelis, Chinese, Orthodox churches and the Vatican. Though it does say only "recognised", not "believed", "accepted" or "supported".

"Christian Nationalists"... Hmm, irrespective of their personal political-party loyalties, characters holding principles democratic or of Taliban-meets-Margaret-Attwood?


Seriously though, a genuine Constitutional Monarchy in the modern mould is of a democratic (small 'd') country whose monarch is the a-political Head of State; and the nation is administered by its Government and Parliament, not ruled by the sovereign.
ShadowWolf · 31-35, M
1. “The Democratic Party is comprised overwhelmingly of 'sleazy,' 'horrible people' who want to tear our country apart. True
2. “Democrats are not capable of winning any election unless they lie, cheat and commit fraud. If a Democrat wins, it is only due to a rigged election. Otherwise, there would be absolutely no Democrats in office. Anywhere. (This particular point is incredibly important, and something that our One True Leader, Donald Trump, has been repeatedly trying to teach us for years.) True. They aren't even above hurting their own for an election! LBJ likely pulled the strings to get rid of Kennedy to seize power of the Vietnam war machine.
3. “These Servants of Satan, these Democrats, have been poisoning government since our nation's founding, and they will never willingly give up their power. There is no act of evil Democrats are unwilling to commit, nothing too vile or Unholy, to stay in power and occupy offices that should always have been graced by loyal members of the One True Party. True to a degree. I would say the first switch flipped with FDR, and the second one flipped with LBJ, and the final switch flipped with Obama.

Please see my comments in bold within the quote.
Now, do I think that we should be a constitutional monarchy? No. We are a constitutional republic and should stay as such. Government should be smaller, not larger. Our country was founded on a small, non intrusive goverment, and the only ones pushing for a big overbearing government is the democrats!
ShadowWolf · 31-35, M
@Graylight Correct. And the court reevaluated the case, and decided that it had to uphold the tenth amendment which is states rights. All it did was throw making abortion law, pro or anti, back to the states. It did not ban abortion, nor did it restrict it. The constitution does not guarantee abortion rights. It NEVER did. I don't see it written in the Bill of Rights. The 10th amendment covers both states rights and reserves citizens rights. It's a limitation to federal power. If one is unhappy with their states laws on abortion, they can deal with it close to home. Or, you can try to amend the constitution to have it explicitly enshrined like freedom of speech and guns. (Good luck getting it explicitly in there).

The case and classified docs I'm referring to is the JFK incident. Not Maralago. Funny how you go immediately to that. Typical leftist with Trump ptsd and gets triggered by keywords. Go to a therapist please.

Why do you think I like or support Trump? I don't know how many people I've had to tell on here that I don't. I'm a libertarian. Just because I believe in small government and little to no taxation does not mean I am a Trumpist. I don't "lose" anything.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@ShadowWolf It doesn't matter how the court decided on any specific case. The point is clear: they absolutely decide the status of rights in the US.

We're not talking about JFK because we're both too young, you've proven your ignorance and shown you lack of appreciation for or knowledge of debate.

I'll be sure to make the mental note that you're a Libertarian; too often we assume Trumpers abound here, and that's not always fair. Notation saved.
ShadowWolf · 31-35, M
@Graylight Indirectly? Sure. But the court alone cannot change the constitution, only uphold and interpret it. To actually change rights directly, all branches need to be involved, and a grand majority of the US population by proxy.

Why can't we talk about JFK? If we research and study up, we are just as well informed as someone in their 80s! That's like saying that we can't discuss Ancient Roman politics, or about King Louis of France because we are "too young". Research and reading history from multiple sources can play a part in being informed. For example, I can call Nero Ceasar an unfeeling jerk because he ordered his own mother to be killed. How do I know he did so even though I didn't live back then? RESEARCH. So JFK is no different.

Thank you. It would be wise to not just go blindly calling anyone who doesn't agree of your view of government or politics as a Trumper. That goes for any leftist on SW. Trumpers are but one portion of the GOP, and a small subset of the US populace. Independents, tea partiers, libertarians, constitutionalists, moderates, and many more smaller parties do exist. From the middle of the aisle to the extreme right wing. Unfortunately, anyone who doesn't agree with leftists now is automatically considered a "Trumper". And that needs to stop.
AirForce687 · 36-40, M
I would have no problem with it if Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II decided to bring America back under British authority. God Save the Queen !!
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@AirForce687 LOL! Do we really want it back?
Considering that we are a Constitutional Republic and not a Democracy as so many politicians and bureaucrats call The USA, we should remain a Constitutional Republic. There should be term limits for all of congress and a minimum limit of 15 years before a former congressman can become a lobbyist. There should be a 10 year maximum for all congressional aids and all federal workers including intelligence and law enforcement, the only exception being border patrol, military and the USSC. This would go a long way to correct the problem. The Federal Government should also be forced to run on a $0 base budget and the income tax should be a flat tax at 10% with no deductions for anyone.
Ontheroad · M
Hogwash to all that you copied and pasted and Trump will never be President again... his tired orange self is soon to be a convicted criminal.
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Graylight · 51-55, F
First, listening to crazy is a choice.

Here's what I think. I think this nation is old (an infant by the world's standards, yes). It was transformed under the framework that honest, flawed and passionate men laid out. It and its government have withstood assaults, threats, world-wide battles, differences of opinion, corrupt power systems, economic woes, natural disasters and a pandemic.

I'm sure people watching the Puritans lash townspeople for wearing their hair long thought civilization was untenable. I'm sure McCarthyism ushered in what felt like the toxic erosion of freedom and liberty. I'm sure the Vietnam War, packaged in convenient documentaries, caused bitter rifts and tore apart families in the name of global politics.

This county has been here since long before us and it will outlast us. Nothing says the Great Experiment won't fail and if it does succeed, it'll be in spite of most of us. But this is the flavor of the day, not a nation-ending crisis.
Spotpot · 41-45, M
The US is a democratic republic and hopefully it will stay that way
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
Troll account disregard, don’t sponsor this account by engaging in debate.
Confined · 56-60, M
We will adhere to the constitution. All democrats need to be charged with Treason and removed from govt by the military if need be.
@Confined You just contradicted yourself.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
It's insane and would be the start of a new dark age.

Doesn't mean it won't happen, though.
Trump still enjoys support but not all of them are batshit crazy enough to want to amend the Constitution and make him king.
Budwick · 70-79, M
Wow - That is really stupid!
plasticpants02 · 70-79, M
Sounds like utter bullshit to me. Thank god i’m canadian
JackMasters · 56-60, M
@plasticpants02 I'm with you there buddy. But there's tens of millions of Americans who seem to think he's God's gift to humanity. I can't understand it either. But from their perspective, he won the election and was cheated out of the second term. Also, he never does anything wrong and never tells a lie and you can believe everything he says. Incredible, I know.
plasticpants02 · 70-79, M
@JackMasters lol. How could you not vote for him .
JackMasters · 56-60, M
@plasticpants02 I know, right? And if you ask his base, they'll tell you that it's just not possible that people didn't vote for him. Everyone voted for him. But the Democrats lied and cheated and committed fraud and erased all of the votes and made it look like people actually didn't vote for Donald Trump when everyone obviously did. The alternative is just Unthinkable to them.

We are living in interesting times, my friend.
black4white · 56-60, M
This is literally BULLSHIT just like everything else he says... this is soo much crazy i cant even stand to read it all.... blah blah blah.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@black4white You have missed something. Jack Masters has posted a long piece of political waffle in quote marks to make it look as if copied from elsewhere, but he does not cite his reference

So anyone reading it without having seen it independently and credited elsewhere can not know its source.

We can not know if it is a real if bizarre idea floated by a Donald Trump supporter, an opponents' propaganda by ridicule, or just plain satire on the whole lot.

It might have been written entirely by the OP himself.

So it is not worth worrying about, but it is very amusing; all that King Donald, God-bothering and all.

Having no part in the politics themselves, it looks to me as merely satirical; not serious at all.
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ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@swirlie Oh no! Not more boat people!
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