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I'm only gonna say this once - Tariffs hurt the lower and middle class

I saw Trump on this Bloomberg interview in Chicago today and realized he does not understand economics.

And here's a simple example -

Solar panels

They are made very cheap and sent to the US. Here's the impact:

1) Panels are made elsewhere - so the factories that were never built and employees that were never hired stay that way.

2) They are so cheap that they make economic sense for homeowners and commercial users to install them and save money on energy and help the environment.

3) Many new jobs a created - which includes the importers, distributers, installers and yes, financers that create the lease agreements that help make economic sense of panel use to generate electric.

Impose tariffs - the contractors that install them lose all that work, the homeowners pay more for electric, the power companies have to add capacity to their networks...

Other stuff -

Increasing the costs of things to consumers costs them more - building factories that people in the US are not willing to work in will not elevate the American Worker - only education will do that.

Nobody is raising there kid to work in a factory. Nobody. We are just going to pay more and alienate our suppliers...

Where it could work:

If there are producers in place here, we can protect them, but should be on a sliding scale based on what we can export
You know what hurts the working class….. importing cheap labor.
@fun4us2b The tariffs Biden has in place now make sense because those products have an American alternative. Whereas Trump wants random tariffs, which will definitely hurt American workers, like they did the last time.
Tariffs are like any other government regulation. Sometimes they're good, depending on context, but they're never good when done across the board.
fun4us2b · M
@BohemianBabe I agree - there should be a method. Many building materials and components are imported. If tariffs are imposed too quickly there will be a reduction in the number of viable projects since more money is needed to buy products, which will put tradespeople out of work immediately..
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
@YourMomsSecretCrush @YourMomsSecretCrush So no what happened when orange man said he would have the cars assembled in the US rather than in Mexico?
Rhe car companies built factories that use machines to assemble rhe cars and didn’t create jobs expected!
And the tariffs are paid by the Americans where orange man has said it will be paid by the exporters!
tindrummer · M
He doesn't understand much of anything except hate
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
The New York Times

Published Aug. 27, 2024
Updated Aug. 28, 2024

Harris and Trump Embrace Tariffs, Though Their Approaches Differ

Both Democrats and Republicans are expressing support for tariffs to protect American industry, reversing decades of trade thinking in Washington.

While Mr. Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee, differ greatly in their campaign proposals, both of their parties are increasingly embracing tariffs as an essential tool in protecting American manufacturers from Chinese and other global competitors.
HobNoblin · 36-40, MNew
Manufacturering at home strengthens our nation and fights globalization. That's the main thing. Borders, language and culture. Make America great again, not China.
Carla · 61-69, F
Trump wishes to enact sweeping tariffs because, as potus, he would have almost total control to do so. Full stop.
Most people still don't know how tariffs work.

Maybe, just maybe, IF we brought ALL of the jobs back we won't have to worry about tarrifs anymore 🤔
fun4us2b · M
@NativePortlander1970 We have to do it in steps and over time, otherwise we'll choke off the economy. The Chips act is a start...we need an actual plan made by smart people.

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