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Realistically speaking, how long will it take Trump to stop this inflation and turn prices around in the grocery stores?

I can hear the TDS people already, jeering if it doesn't happen immediately. What is your best guess on how long it will take to fix most of Biden's destruction?
Reason10 · 61-69, M
First thing is to cut taxes. Get more money in the hands of the spending public. Bring back high paying jobs.
And most important, QUIT HANDING OUT TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN WELFARE CASH and quit flooding M1 with dollars and devaluing the value of the dollar.
If Trump is able to cause tips to NOT be taxed, that will expand the economy exponentially.
Oh, and if Trump is able to boost domestic energy production, the oil markets will drop the price of a barrel of oil and you'll see the savings at the pump. A year from that, and the price of a LOT of goods that have to be transported will drop, as transportation costs drop.
It's going to depend on who is in charge of Congress. If it's the DemoNazis, then all Trump can do is use the Executive Order.
4meAndyou · F
@Reason10 Two to three years, then.
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4meAndyou · F
@Reason10 Oh, please don't say that. I thought I had enough money to survive comfortably...and now I am having to skip buying certain things at the grocery store.
Re-open the XL pipeline, and drill baby drill. Gas prices drop, and inflation comes to a halt. But prices other other goods and services have a tendency toward being upwardly sticky and it will take longer to see any price reduction.
4meAndyou · F
@BizSuitStacy I was actually waiting for your answer. Do you think it will take more than the four years he is in office for grocery prices to go down?
@4meAndyou no...we should start seeing better prices after a season. Petroleum impacts fuel, fertilizer and transportation costs. Likewise, it will take time for livestock feed to come down and be reflected in the prices of meat. But I don't think we'll get back to pre-2020 prices.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M

Trump knows the in and outs and what is right that is fair for foreign trades.

Although we might have a new spark of many small Companies over the Corperations that will fall as Trump attended back then during his first term.

Everything old in this world will F*** off. out with the old. In with the new that will reshape our lives for the better instead of a bunch of scams we've been living in for a long periods of time.

I don't think many corporate Giants will survive before Trump comes back in 2025.....unless they stop Harris and her VP Gavin Newson from replacing Joe biden.

Everything is in a spin for the final moment
if he does what the italian guy did and scrap all the useless over bloated government bureaucracies.. pretty quick..

4meAndyou · F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout The Italian Guy?
@4meAndyou sorry.. Argentinian..

Penny · 46-50, F
I have a bad feeling about if he gets elected. Not that im against him or for him. Its too early.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
Considering what Biden did on his first day in office it would take bu one day to undo it.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
At least 2 years
4meAndyou · F
@Patriot96 I knew it wouldn't happen overnight. But Trump is the only one who even knows how badly people are suffering.
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4meAndyou · F
@FreestyleArt You give me hope.

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