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Stranded in Space

Elon Musk's rocket rescued the astronauts from the space station today. They had been stranded in space for eight months. The Biden administration refused permission to allow a rescue. The health of the individuals has been compromised due to the length of time they were stranded.

The are all alive.
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Northwest · M
You're confused, which is my polite way of saying you're a troll.

Hint: Trump lies. Musk lies and despite their loud lies, there was no attempt to delay a rescue for political reasons.

Think about it (tall order, I know). What could be gained, back in June, from delaying a rescue, given that NASA, not the White House, had already been working with both SpaceX and Boeing (the latter being the guilty party), on various programs to service the ISS and the expected Lunar program.

In fact, the three parties (NASA, SpaceX and Boeing), agreed on the following plan in short order:

Sent SpaceX's Crew-9 to the IIS in September, but leave two empty seats. Crew-9 will remain tethered until mid February or so, and then the stranded astronauts will hitch a ride down, using the two empty seats.

Musk agreed to the plan and approved it, given that he's the SpaceX CEO.

The time table was necessitated by NASA's plan, as well as IIS plans and more importantly the stranded astronauts.

The return data was extended it by 3 weeks or so, to work on some issues.

So, Musk lied, Trump lied and you're one fat ass liar.
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F

Musk is not nearly as smart as the members of your party who set up those cash cows in the first place. The stuff your party has been stealing money from makes me sick. You can deflect the blame all you like, but the theft is there for all the world to see. And since you back the party that has been engaged in stealing the public blind, and you are lying about it, I would greatly appreciate you not trashing this conversation by issuing one of your emptly denials.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@MarthannBann888 Since you accept what Musk says with 0.0 evidence and accept all of his suspicions, you have already trashed this conversation with your ignorance and undying devotion to Cry-Baby-trump and his co-president.
Midlifemale · 61-69, M
@MarkPaul I always get a good laugh when reading your messages....🤣
Claiming Biden refused to allow a rescue is just a total lie.

Boeing stranded them and it took 9 months for either them or SpaceX to have a return flight that would not explode.

This is what happens when you privatize NASA. SpaceX is part of the problem, not some heroes.
@MarthannBann888 I am sorry reality doesn't conform with your blind worship of Trump and Musk.
jeancolby · 31-35, F
Rescue should not depend on who's in power. Republicans don't care if they are rescued by democrats and democrats don't care if they are rescued by republicans.
jeancolby · 31-35, F
@ElwoodBlues I'm not worried.
nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
@jeancolby Just as long as they are rescued
jeancolby · 31-35, F
@nudistsueaz That's right.
DailyFlash · 56-60, M
That's not correct
nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
@DailyFlash proof?
tenente · 100+, M
@DailyFlash urelated / related, i wonder what role we will play in the space race going forward.. no longer leading, will we defend ( or retreat? ) ? our dominance is fading..
4meAndyou · F
Thank God for Trump and Elon Musk!!!
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
None of this is true nor does it even measure up for reasonableness as fan fiction.

So, let's try this...

Elon Musk could have rescued the astronauts sooner, but was too busy showing off his mad chainsaw skills (except for the part where he thought the sound of a chainsaw is, "CHAINSAW") and Cry-Baby-trump withheld the approval for the rescue mission because he didn't want it to drown him out of media attention. He finally relented when Elon offered him $1 M (USD). Still, Elon is no hero, since he is charging the astronauts for the rescue.
tenente · 100+, M
@MarkPaul NDT has a great synopsis on 'star talk' about an astronauts mission and how this event folds into the astronauts expectation of risk..

Midlifemale · 61-69, M
@MarkPaul but Elon did rescue them while working for a far better administration than the previous one, who didn't rescue them
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@Midlifemale That's not true either...

1. The astronauts themselves said they weren't abandoned, stranded, or forgotten. Unless you are reporting they were "hostages" giving a "hostage statement," your fan fiction isn't believable.

2. Neither the Biden Administration nor the Cry-Baby-trump (illegal) administration rescued the astronauts. They were transported to the ISS by a new space ship that while having been tested was still unproven. It was its first crewed mission. The astronauts knew the risks and they were part of the decision to stay behind as the ship returned without a crew... for safety reasons.

3. Space X sent a transport vehicle as soon as they could. Neither the Biden Administration nor the Cry-Baby-trump (illegal) administration had any voice, vote, or decision-making voice in that decision.

Elon's Space X vehicle is more tried and tested, thanks to government funding, support, and on-going subsidies spanning multiple Administrations that started with Obama who made the decision to privatize space travel to help reduce NASA costs and make government more efficient in an intelligent way... without a chainsaw.
AbbeyRhode · F
God bless President Trump and Elon Musk, who have caring hearts, unlike the evil Biden regime.
carpediem · 61-69, M
Send Biden up there for 9 months and see what happens. Take Schumer too.
ZoeGrace19 · 18-21, F
Hmmmmm, seems Musk rockets have a habit of blowing up, just like everything else he touches! Can you blame Biden for not trusting him?
tenente · 100+, M
@ZoeGrace19 aside: Boeing really lost it's way. A brand once venerated now spiralling into decline
ZoeGrace19 · 18-21, F
@tenente That’s what happens when the Board’s focus is solely on maximizing profits and increasing shareholder value instead of building products that work!
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Hey Moscow Martha, if this

The Biden administration refused permission to allow a rescue.

is an attempt to slip in reference to the lies from Comrades DJT & Elon Musk-ovite (and amplified by Fox) you might wish to do a quick fact check.
Elisbch · M

Moscow Martha
...LOL 👍🏻🤣😆😄
@Elisbch bows
Elisbch · M
Elisbch · M

To bad it's not and on a faulty flight that will never return back to earth.
@Elisbch I get it, Too*

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