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Democrat IRS Leaker Exposed Tax Returns of 400,000 Americans, Including Donald Trump

The Democrat operative inside the IRS who leaked Donald Trump’s tax returns didn’t just illegally leak a couple of thousand other people’s tax returns. He leaked 400,000 people’s tax returns!

Last year, the Democrats celebrated with IRS crook Charles Littlejohn leaked Donald Trump’s tax returns to the press. At the time they were celebrating him as a hero, the leftist press claimed he also released about 7,000 or 8,000 other tax returns of innocent Americans.

Now we find that the socialist media’s claims were a big fat lie. Littlejhon’s crime was far, far bigger than that. The IRS is now admitted that it was a much bigger breach than previously disclosed.

According to Congressman Jim Jordon’s office: “New disclosure reveals that the Biden IRS leaked taxpayer information of over 405,000 Americans — including President Trump’s. The IRS’s admission confirms the Committee’s suspicion and recent reports that show the scope of the leak was much broader than what the Biden Administration’s IRS initially led the public to believe. In May 2024, an IRS spokesman stated that “[m]ore than 70,000” taxpayers were affected. We found out that it’s actually over 405,000 taxpayers! This is a MASSIVE scandal. Rep. Jim Jordan first launched his inquiry into these leaks last year. Getting answers for the American people!”

This was a terrible breach of trust.

Naturally, the media is ignoring this story.
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SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
He was contracted from a private consultancy, he was not an IRS agent. Just imagine, if revenue collection was properly funded, taxpayers' data would not have been compromised in this way.

Let's just hope that there are no further data breaches by inadequately supervised outsiders working for government 🤔

Erm, if media is ignoring the story, how did you find put about it.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@sunsporter1649 I hope you're paying royalties on that cartoon, you've used it rather a lot.
We’ve seen every thing possible when it comes to trumps taxes..

Let’s look at the taxes of everyone else on $200k per year but are somehow millionaires…
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout I would love to see the full financials of EVERY elected office holder, from local to federal, going back at least to 1970.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
This puts a whole new meaning to drain the swamp😌
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
Please tell me he will finally be arrested and prosecuted.

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