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A list of movies for cinephiles with neoconservative leanings

- Mississippi Burning
-> Willem Dafoe’s and Gene Hackman‘s actions as Federal agents represent a federal intervention to push back against endemic civil rights violations in the South, aided and abetted by the local authorities

- Charlie Wilson‘s War
Tom Hanks and Philip Seymour Hoffman procure funding and weaponry for the Mujahideen‘s successful liberation of Afghanistan from the USSR; the movie highlights Soviet conventional war crimes and bemoans the abandonment of Afghanistan by US after the Soviet withdrawal

- Patriot
Mel Gibson turns into a Patriot, who’s fighting against British rule after he initially refused to play any part in the American Revolution

- Exodus
-> Paul Newman organizes the emigration of Jewish refugees from Europe to the British mandate territory and contributes to the foundation of the State of Israel

- Long Way Back
-> Ed Harris leads a group of escaped political prisoners through the USSR, communist Mongolia and Red China; the movie depicts the crimes and severe repression of Stalinism

- Cromwell
-> Richard Harris challenges the divine right of the King to rule England as an absolute Monarchy and resists the attempts to disestablish England‘s nascent Parliament, culminating in the English Civil War

- French Revolution
-> Highlights the success of the initial phase of the French Revolution which was predominantly liberal and relatively moderate while excoriating the excesses of the Reign of Terror and the descent into anarchy and totalitarianism

- A special Relationship
-> Michael Sheen (as Tony Blair) passionately sways Bill Clinton to authorize and lead Nato‘s Operation Allied Force against Milosovic‘s Serbia by appealing to the US public and Republicans - in order to protect the people of Kosovo from imminent genocide

- Munich
-> Eric Bana heads a team of Mossad assets, tasked with the methodical search for and assassination of the perpetrators and those responsible for the Munich terrorist attack

- American Sniper
-> Movie illustrates the depravity of the salafi-jihadists which the US forces had to combat in Iraq

- Sand Castle
-> Movie shows how intricate but important state capacity building (sometimes derogatorily referred to as nation building) is in the process of pacifying a country

- Lincoln
-> Daniel Day-Lewis (as Abraham Lincoln) successfully manipulates Congress to avoid a premature peace settlement with the South, to achieve comprehensive military victory and ensure the constitutional prohibition of slavery

- Green Berets
-> John Wayne commands US and ARVN forces in South Vietnam while uncovering the brutal repression and numerous crimes against humanity committed by the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese in communist-held areas.

- 5 Days of War
-> Andy Garcia (as Mikheil Sakaashvili) leads the defense of his country against a Russian invasion which was marked by severe human rights abuses and war crimes, committed especially by Chechen forces fighting for Moscow.

- The Darkest Hour
-> Gary Oldman (as Winston Churchill) politically resists appeasement, propagated by large parts of his party and his own cabinet to defeat Nazism at all costs

- 12 Strong
-> Chris Hemsworth commands a US special forces unit which liaises with the Afghan Northern Resistance and directs targeted airstrikes against AQ and the Taliban

- Kandahar
-> Gerard Butler disrupts Iranian nuclear program. The movie also emphasizes the tragic consequences of the abandonment of Afghanistan following the US withdrawal

- Lord of the Rings
-> The Men of the West create alliances and overcome their internal weaknesses to unite in the fight against an evil, expanding power in the East while confronting their enemy in an utterly uncompromising fashion
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beckyromero · 36-40, F
- Charlie Wilson‘s War
Tom Hanks and Philip Seymour Hoffman procure funding and weaponry for the Mujahideen‘s successful liberation of Afghanistan from the USSR; the movie highlights Soviet conventional war crimes and bemoans the abandonment of Afghanistan by US after the Soviet withdrawal

Charlie Wilson was a LIBERAL Texas Democrat. Or, more accurately, a LIBERAL Democrat who happened to represent a district in Texas.


I'd add:


Should be watched before The Darkest Hour.

Then after The Darkest Hour, watch


And then...


For finally for good measure:

CedricH · M
Thank you! I liked your additions if you have any more movie recommendations, I‘d appreciate them.

As for Manchin (or Sinema) arguing that their opposition to certain preferences of Democratic Presidents turns them axiomatically into conservative Democrats is a bit more dubious. It just indicates that he‘s outside the current mainstream of the party.
beckyromero · 36-40, F

Advise and Consent (1962)

full movie:

Gabriel Over the White House (1933)

I actually was able to find and watch the entire movie on a Russian website:
CedricH · M
JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
beckyromero · 36-40, F
Don't see how defeating the Confederacy and fighting the Nazis would appeal to conservatives.

Lincoln would NOT be welcome in today's Republican/MAGA Party. They'd kick him out.
CedricH · M
@beckyromero Well, thankfully I wasn’t talking about Republican/Maga Party followers but their fiercest adversaries. The Never Trump Republicans who populate the Lincoln Project or the Bulwark. They‘re the remnants of the neoconservative movement and no longer a part of the conservative movement which itself has basically “evolved” into a populist, nationalist, idiosyncratic group of Trump loyalists and leapt away from the traditional conservativism of the Reagan-Goldwater variety.
beckyromero · 36-40, F
Well, thankfully I wasn’t talking about Republican/Maga Party followers but their fiercest adversaries.The Never Trump Republicans who populate the Lincoln Project or the Bulwark. They‘re the remnants of the neoconservative movement and no longer a part of the conservative movement which itself has basically “evolved” into a populist, nationalist, idiosyncratic group of Trump loyalists

Don't you mean "devolved into a populist, nationalist, idiosyncratic group of Trump loyalists..." 😂

Yeah, the Republican Party, whether it be Eisenhower/Nixon Republicans or Goldwater/Reagan Republicans or Bush/McCain/Romney Republicans is dead. It's Trump's Party. Might as well be-renamed that.
CedricH · M
@beckyromero Yes, I did. But I preferred to just put the word evolved sarcastically into quotes. 😂
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Sorry, LOTR doesn't qualify in my opinion, because it seems like neoconservatives want to compromise with the evil, expanding power in the east.
CedricH · M
neoconservatives want to compromise with the evil, expanding power in the east.
Well, not the neoconservatives I know 😂 maybe you‘re confusing them with the new nationalist-populists who dominate the Republican Party
Reason10 · 70-79, M
You left out Full Metal Jacket and Apocalypse Now.
Reason10 · 70-79, M
@CedricH No they weren't.They GLORIFIED that war.
And again NEOCONS were in the DemoNazi party as well as the Republicans. Just look at all the wars the Demos got us into.

Vietnam was a DEMOCRAT war.
CedricH · M
@Reason10 Glorified? No. They did not.
CedricH · M

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