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A list of movies for cinephiles with neoconservative leanings

- Mississippi Burning
-> Willem Dafoe’s and Gene Hackman‘s actions as Federal agents represent a federal intervention to push back against endemic civil rights violations in the South, aided and abetted by the local authorities

- Charlie Wilson‘s War
Tom Hanks and Philip Seymour Hoffman procure funding and weaponry for the Mujahideen‘s successful liberation of Afghanistan from the USSR; the movie highlights Soviet conventional war crimes and bemoans the abandonment of Afghanistan by US after the Soviet withdrawal

- Patriot
Mel Gibson turns into a Patriot, who’s fighting against British rule after he initially refused to play any part in the American Revolution

- Exodus
-> Paul Newman organizes the emigration of Jewish refugees from Europe to the British mandate territory and contributes to the foundation of the State of Israel

- Long Way Back
-> Ed Harris leads a group of escaped political prisoners through the USSR, communist Mongolia and Red China; the movie depicts the crimes and severe repression of Stalinism

- Cromwell
-> Richard Harris challenges the divine right of the King to rule England as an absolute Monarchy and resists the attempts to disestablish England‘s nascent Parliament, culminating in the English Civil War

- French Revolution
-> Highlights the success of the initial phase of the French Revolution which was predominantly liberal and relatively moderate while excoriating the excesses of the Reign of Terror and the descent into anarchy and totalitarianism

- A special Relationship
-> Michael Sheen (as Tony Blair) passionately sways Bill Clinton to authorize and lead Nato‘s Operation Allied Force against Milosovic‘s Serbia by appealing to the US public and Republicans - in order to protect the people of Kosovo from imminent genocide

- Munich
-> Eric Bana heads a team of Mossad assets, tasked with the methodical search for and assassination of the perpetrators and those responsible for the Munich terrorist attack

- American Sniper
-> Movie illustrates the depravity of the salafi-jihadists which the US forces had to combat in Iraq

- Sand Castle
-> Movie shows how intricate but important state capacity building (sometimes derogatorily referred to as nation building) is in the process of pacifying a country

- Lincoln
-> Daniel Day-Lewis (as Abraham Lincoln) successfully manipulates Congress to avoid a premature peace settlement with the South, to achieve comprehensive military victory and ensure the constitutional prohibition of slavery

- Green Berets
-> John Wayne commands US and ARVN forces in South Vietnam while uncovering the brutal repression and numerous crimes against humanity committed by the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese in communist-held areas.

- 5 Days of War
-> Andy Garcia (as Mikheil Sakaashvili) leads the defense of his country against a Russian invasion which was marked by severe human rights abuses and war crimes, committed especially by Chechen forces fighting for Moscow.

- The Darkest Hour
-> Gary Oldman (as Winston Churchill) politically resists appeasement, propagated by large parts of his party and his own cabinet to defeat Nazism at all costs

- 12 Strong
-> Chris Hemsworth commands a US special forces unit which liaises with the Afghan Northern Resistance and directs targeted airstrikes against AQ and the Taliban

- Kandahar
-> Gerard Butler disrupts Iranian nuclear program. The movie also emphasizes the tragic consequences of the abandonment of Afghanistan following the US withdrawal

- Lord of the Rings
-> The Men of the West create alliances and overcome their internal weaknesses to unite in the fight against an evil, expanding power in the East while confronting their enemy in an utterly uncompromising fashion
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beckyromero · 36-40, F
- Charlie Wilson‘s War
Tom Hanks and Philip Seymour Hoffman procure funding and weaponry for the Mujahideen‘s successful liberation of Afghanistan from the USSR; the movie highlights Soviet conventional war crimes and bemoans the abandonment of Afghanistan by US after the Soviet withdrawal

Charlie Wilson was a LIBERAL Texas Democrat. Or, more accurately, a LIBERAL Democrat who happened to represent a district in Texas.


I'd add:


Should be watched before The Darkest Hour.

Then after The Darkest Hour, watch


And then...


For finally for good measure:

CedricH · M
@beckyromero He was a conservative Democrat.
beckyromero · 36-40, F

Here are the ratings I have available.

Charlie Wilson (D-TX)

(Wilson) has been known since his days in the Texas Senate as a liberal; his voting record on economic policies is often in accord with northern liberals.
- The Alamanc of American Politics 1984

(Wilson) once invested ostentatiously in a chic Washington club called Élan, he escorts gorgeous women to parties, and in 1983 was dogged by an investigation of charges that he had used cocaine - charges made by an old political enemy which never seemed credible and seemed clearly unsubstantiated. But behind the glitter there seems to be some substance. He has represented east Texas in Austin and Washington since 1960, and with a voting record that got him classified with the liberals in the Texas Senate and a record in the House that could easily be called liberal today. ... Always a feisty liberal on economic issues, he is as hawk on military matters.
- The Alamanac of American Politics 1988

National Journal - Liberal Rating Scores
Economic Rating Scores
1981 ... 52%
1982 ... 50%
1983 ... 50%
1984 ... 80%
1985 ... 55%
1986 ... 66%
1987 ... 62%
1988 ... 64%
1989 ... 57%
1990 ... 51%
1991 ... 52%
1992 ... 56%
1993 ... 61%
1994 ... 59%

Social Rating Scores
1981 ... 50%
1982 ... 32%
1983 ... 65%
1984 ... 46%
1985 ... 67%
1986 ... 64%
1987 ... 50%
1988 ... 66%
1989 ... 46%
1990 ... 54%
1991 ... 50%
1992 ... 49%
1993 ... 54%
1994 ... 51%

Foreign Policy Rating Scores
1981 ... 14%
1982 ... 0%
1983 ... 18%
1984 ... 36%
1985 ... 0%
1986 ... 37%
1987 ... 30%
1988 ... 33%
1989 ... 34%
1990 ... 37%
1991 ... 35%
1992 ... 30%
1993 ... 43%
1994 ... 53%

Source: The Alamanac of American Politics (1982, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994 editions)

National Journal Ratings. National Journal's rating system establishes an objective method of analyzing congressional voting. A panel of National Journal editors and staff initially complied a list of congressional roll call votes and classified them as either economic, social or foreign-policy related. Professor Garrison Nelson of the University of Vermont provided the computerized roll-call data. The interrelationship of these votes was shown by a statistical procedure called "principal components analysis," which revealed whcih "yea" votes and which "nay" votes fit a liberal or conservative pattern. The votes in each of the three subject areas were computer-weighted to reflect the degree they fit the common pattern.All members of Congress who participated in at least half of the votes in each area received ratings; those who missed more than half the votes were not scored (shown as *). Absences and abstentions were not counted.

Members of Congress were then ranked according to liberalism and conservatism. Finally, there were assigned percentiles showing their rank relatives to others in their chamber.Percentile scores range from a minimum of 0 to a maximum of 99. Because some members voted liberal or conservative on every roll call, however, there are ties at the liberal and conservative ends of each scale. For that reason, the maximum percentiles often turn out to be less than 99.


Party Unity Scores*
1987 ... 72%
1988 ... 75%
1989 ... 75%
1990 ... 78%
1991 ... 72%
1992 ... 77%
1993 ... 83%
1994 ... 82%
1995 ... 92%
1996 ... 71%

* member present and voted in agreement with the position taken by a majority of House Democrats
Source: Congressional Quarterly Inc. (Congressional Roll Call for those given years)
CedricH · M
@beckyromero His voting record on economics was liberal, at the time he was seen as a conservative Democrat though, at least by many members of the new left-liberal wing of the Democratic Congressmen who joined the party during the 1970s in part because of his pro-gun positions but in particular because of his positions on foreign and defense policy.
beckyromero · 36-40, F
at the time he was seen as a conservative Democrat though, at least by many members of the new left-liberal wing of the Democratic Congressmen

Most anyone less liberal than the ultra-left wing of the Democrat Party would be seen as "conservative." That is true even more so today than in the 1980s.

But Wilson's record was clearly in the mainstream of the Democratic Party back THEN, as evidenced by his party unity scores for the years I available. Even his party unity scores in the early '80s were in the majority (pre-1987, CQ downgraded the scores for missed votes).

Unlike with economic and social policy, scoring foreign policy votes can be tricky.

Take, for example, The Naval Act of 1938. President Roosevelt wanted it. House Democrats supported it, 263-30. But a majority of Republicans opposed it, 57-31.

Does that somehow make supporting naval expansion a liberal position? Ask Sen. Bernie Sanders what he would think about that. Remember, many Republicans pre-Pearl Harbor were isolationists.

Fast forward 50 years and supporting the Afghan rebels was deemed a conservative position but opposing apartheid in South Africa was a liberal position.

I prefer looking at economic and social policy ratings for one's liberalism and looking at foreign policy (which often include matters of national defense and military spending) votes as to whether one is more hawkish or dovish. We don't have to lump everything into one "catch-all" ranking.
CedricH · M
@beckyromero I actually agree with you, Clement Attlee was the most left-leaning PM Britain ever had but he also was a key architect of Nato. I would never call my foreign policy views conservative anyways. They‘re liberal interventionist.
I wanted to point out that the self-identified liberals of the 1980s Democratic Party were considering him to be a conservative Democrat. Due to his support for Somoza - in particular.
Besides, Manchin voted 90% in favor of Biden and he‘s still considered to be a conservative Democrat at this point.
beckyromero · 36-40, F

Also, overall a nice post on the movies.

I agree with your comments about Attlee. Why would supporting the creation of NATO be a "conservative" position? Just as why would President Biden's support for Ukraine be a "conservative" position? They could be called, as you pointed out, "liberal interventionist" or perhaps hawkish/internationist vs. dovish/isolationist. (A dove and an isolationist might take the same position, but for different reasons.)

Manchin voted 90% in favor of Biden and he‘s still considered to be a conservative Democrat at this point.

The way Congress is run now is a bit different than in the 1970s and 1980s. Today, party leaders won't even schedule a vote unless they're pretty sure of victory.

Sen. Joe Manchin III of West Virginia, who also had the lowest presidential support score among Democrats, still voted with the majority of Democrats on 92 percent of party unity votes.

Another way at looking at Machin, is that he had the highest opposition score on party unity votes (Kristen Sinema of Arizona was second).
CedricH · M
Thank you! I liked your additions if you have any more movie recommendations, I‘d appreciate them.

As for Manchin (or Sinema) arguing that their opposition to certain preferences of Democratic Presidents turns them axiomatically into conservative Democrats is a bit more dubious. It just indicates that he‘s outside the current mainstream of the party.
beckyromero · 36-40, F

Advise and Consent (1962)

full movie:

Gabriel Over the White House (1933)

I actually was able to find and watch the entire movie on a Russian website:
CedricH · M